Atami Travel Guide: Top 20 Things to Do in Atami, Japan

Nestled within the verdant hills of Japan’s eastern coast lies a hidden gem known as Atami. This idyllic seaside town boasts a plethora of attractions that are sure to leave even the most seasoned travelers awestruck.

Atami’s illustrious history as a hot springs resort town dates back centuries, and the area is steeped in rich cultural traditions that continue to thrive to this day. From its lush gardens to its panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, Atami offers visitors a respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Atami views of the city at night in Japan

Why Atami?

One cannot help but be enchanted by the town’s blend of modernity and tradition, with its historic landmarks and contemporary developments coexisting in harmonious synergy. The streets are lined with quaint shops and cozy cafes, while towering skyscrapers offer glimpses of the city’s thriving business sector.

The true allure of Atami lies in its natural wonders, including the famous hot springs that have been revered for their healing properties for centuries. The surrounding landscape is dotted with breathtaking waterfalls, verdant hills, and winding paths that lead to hidden alcoves and secret beaches.

Whether you seek relaxation, cultural enrichment, or outdoor adventure, Atami offers something for everyone. Immerse yourself in the town’s vibrant atmosphere and discover for yourself why Atami is considered one of Japan’s most treasured destinations.

Come check out our Atami travel guide as we cover the best things to do in Atami, Japan.

Atami Travel Guide: Things to do in Atami, Japan

Atami City Guide: A Brief History Of Atami, Japan

Atami is a seaside resort town located in the eastern part of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Its history dates back over 1,200 years, to the Nara period (710-794), when it was known as Kiya-hama. During the Heian period (794-1185), Atami became a popular destination for nobles and aristocrats seeking rest and relaxation.

In the Edo period (1603-1868), Atami gained even more popularity as a hot spring resort town. The town’s hot springs were believed to have medicinal properties and were highly valued for their healing properties. The Tokugawa Shogunate, which ruled Japan during this period, also recognized the value of Atami’s hot springs and began promoting the town as a destination for the wealthy and powerful.

Meiji Period Until Now

During the Meiji period (1868-1912), Atami continued to grow and develop as a resort town. It became a favorite destination for artists and writers, who were drawn to its beautiful scenery and tranquil atmosphere. Some of Japan’s most famous literary figures, including Natsume Soseki and Yasunari Kawabata, spent time in Atami and wrote about the town in their works.

In the postwar period, Atami continued to thrive as a resort town, attracting tourists from both Japan and overseas. Today, Atami remains a popular destination for those seeking relaxation, hot springs, and beautiful ocean views. It is also known for its delicious seafood and traditional Japanese cuisine.

Atami coastal views in Japan

Atami Top Attractions and Best Places to Visit in Japan

Teaching English in the Tokyo area and need to get away from the pressures of the city for a weekend? Looking to unwind after a torrid travel schedule? Atami might just be for you, as its mountains, Onsens, and beaches will provide plenty of ways to help you unwind.

Aside from this, there are enough attractions to keep history and culture buffs interested, but even if you don’t go out of your way to see them, you’ll still have a good time during your visit to Atami.

Start your visit to Atami by first checking out the Kiunkaku. Constructed in 1919 as a private villa for a shipping CEO, it served in that capacity until 1947, when it was handed over to the local government. The authorities here converted it into a ryokan, or a Japanese-style inn, which took guests up until 1999.

Where To Start?

In the present day, this luxurious abode serves as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Atami. While touring this structure, don’t miss its Roman-style bath, nor its immaculately-styled garden. After strolling through it, have a seat at this attraction’s on-site cafe and enjoy hot teas and treats within view of its finest features.

Next, appreciate some of the best visual works of art produced in this part of Japan by spending a couple hours at the MOA Museum of Art. Here, you’ll find calligraphy, sculptures, and paintings sourced from across the country and East Asia.

Started from the private collection of a wealthy local by the name of Okada Mokichi, three of the works here are considered national treasures, making this attraction an unmissable one in Atami for anyone who thinks of themselves as a culture vulture.

Like the preceding attraction, there is a tea house and a Japanese garden out back, so don’t be in a rush to leave after viewing the main collection.

Those wanting to take in the primary religious attractions in the Atami area will want to start with the Kinomiya Shrine. The Japanese hold this place in high regard, as they view a particular tree on this site as a life-giving entity.

More Attractions

According to local lore, this 2,000-year-old specimen (which is known as ‘Okusu’) grants those who walk around its circumference an extra year of life. Pilgrims come from all over Japan to pray for deliverance from their ailments and for continued good health.

The shrine itself is over 1,300 years old and while humble, it is a peaceful place that will help diffuse any stresses suffered in the big city.

Izu-san-jinja Shrine is another Shinto landmark visitors to Atami should make an effort to see during their time here. It is one of the oldest shrines of its kind in Japan, as it has existed in this place since the 4th century BC.

While its age makes this place a viable attraction all by itself, it draws tons of domestic visits due to its reputation as a place which lends itself to the fulfillment of romantic desires.

Long ago, an exiled politician met a woman from a powerful family here. They fell in love, but her father forbade her to see him; instead, he set her up with another man of his choosing. Rather than submit to her father’s wishes, though, she risked ostracization by her family by choosing the exiled politician at the last moment.

As a result, locals pray at this temple for their wishes of true love to be realized, but even if that isn’t enough to draw you here, the ocean views in front of it should seal the deal.

Atami colorful apartment building in Japan

Other Cultural Attractions: Trip to Atami, Japan

During your time in Atami, there are a few day trips worth taking – Hatsushima is definitely one of them. An island situated ten kilometres out in Sagami Bay, it is a popular getaway for locals and tourists alike.

Though small, it has a number of attractions that will keep you busy all day. Start with its botanical garden, as it has a respectable collection of tropical and subtropical plants. Explore the depths surrounding this speck in the ocean with any one of a number of dive outfits, and then warm up afterwards at the Onsen.

Finally, there is a wide selection of restaurants along the harbour walk – they can be expensive, but everything is fresh, meaning you are basically assured of having a wonderful meal here.

Other Attractions

Back on land, be sure to check out the Akao Herb and Rose Garden if you are into flora. Situated on a hillside with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, you’ll be surrounded by beauty as you make your way through its 12 theme gardens.

April is the best time to come if you like tulips, while rose lovers will want to drop by during the months of May and June.

During the summer months, residents of Tokyo seeking relief from the heat hit the sands of Atami Sun Beach. For this reason, coming in peak season may not be the best idea for claustrophobes, though, the nightly firework displays are quite lovely.

source: Japan by Food on YouTube

Top 20 Things To Do in Atami, Japan For Visitors

Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top 20 things to do in Atami for a memorable escape.

Atami boardwalk views in Japan

1. Soak in Atami’s Hot Springs (Onsen)

Experiencing Atami’s renowned hot springs is a must for any visitor. With a wide variety of public bathhouses and private resorts, these onsens offer a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. Many local ryokans feature rooms with private open-air baths, providing stunning vistas of the surrounding sea or mountains. It’s the perfect way to experience Japan’s onsen culture while soaking in the natural beauty of Atami.

2. Stroll through Atami Plum Garden (Atami Baien)

The Atami Plum Garden is a spectacle of color and fragrance with over 450 plum trees blooming from late January to March. A leisurely walk through this serene garden during the plum festival is enhanced by traditional Japanese cultural performances amidst the blossoming trees. The vibrant hues of pink and white create a picturesque landscape, making it a favored destination for visitors and photography enthusiasts alike. The festival atmosphere, coupled with the natural beauty of the garden, offers a unique cultural experience.

3. Explore Atami Castle (Atami-jō)

Perched atop a hill, Atami Castle offers visitors a blend of historical exploration and panoramic views. Despite its modern construction, the castle is styled after traditional Japanese castles and houses a museum dedicated to Japanese culture and history. The observation deck at the castle provides expansive views of Atami and Sagami Bay, making it a popular spot for sightseeing. Its strategic location and architectural design make it a significant landmark in Atami.

4. Visit the MOA Museum of Art

The MOA Museum of Art is renowned for its impressive collection of Japanese and East Asian art, featuring several national treasures and important cultural properties. The museum, along with its stunning architecture and beautifully landscaped gardens, offers visitors a peaceful retreat. It stands as a testament to the artistic heritage of Japan, inviting guests to explore its tranquil beauty and cultural depth. The museum’s location, amidst natural beauty, enhances the experience of viewing the art within.

5. Enjoy the Beaches

Atami’s coastline is adorned with beautiful beaches, among which Atami Sun Beach stands out as a favorite for swimming, sunbathing, and engaging in various water sports. The well-maintained facilities, including showers and changing rooms, ensure a comfortable beach experience for everyone. It’s an ideal spot for both families seeking a day of fun and individuals looking for a relaxing time by the sea. The beach’s proximity to the city makes it easily accessible for a spontaneous seaside getaway.

6. Witness the Atami Sea Fireworks

The Atami Sea Fireworks show is an enchanting spectacle that lights up the night sky over the bay more than ten times a year. These fireworks displays, best enjoyed from the beach or a hot spring bath, are a testament to Atami’s vibrant culture and tradition of celebration. The dazzling colors and sounds create a memorable experience for visitors, encapsulating the festive spirit of the city. It’s a must-see event that highlights the beauty of Atami’s coastal setting.

7. Tour the Kiunkaku

Kiunkaku, with its rich history as a luxurious ryokan and later a private residence, now serves as a cultural site open to the public. The architectural blend of traditional Japanese and Western styles offers insight into Japan’s Showa-era elegance. Its preserved gardens provide a serene backdrop to the historical residence, making it a captivating destination for those interested in Japan’s architectural and cultural evolution. Visitors can explore the intricacies of Kiunkaku’s design and the tranquil beauty of its surroundings.

8. Discover the Himenosawa Park

Tucked away from the hustle and bustle, Himenosawa Park is a hidden gem featuring tranquil walking paths around a scenic pond. The park’s beauty is especially pronounced in autumn when the maple leaves display vibrant reds and golds. It offers a peaceful environment for leisurely walks, reflection, and immersion in nature. The park’s serene setting makes it an ideal spot for those seeking a quiet retreat.

9. Relax at the Ajiro Harbor

Ajiro Harbor, a quaint fishing port, provides a glimpse into the coastal lifestyle of Atami. Visitors can enjoy watching the coming and going of fishing boats, dine on fresh seafood at local eateries, and embrace the harbor’s laid-back atmosphere. It’s a place where time slows down, allowing guests to savor the simple joys of seaside life. The harbor’s charm lies in its simplicity and the warm hospitality of the local community.

10. Visit Izusan Shrine

Perched on a hill, Izusan Shrine offers breathtaking views of Atami and the expansive sea beyond. This historic Shinto shrine, revered for its association with the legendary Minamoto no Yoritomo, exudes a sense of peace and spirituality. The climb to the shrine is rewarded with not only spiritual solace but also panoramic vistas that encapsulate the beauty of Atami. It’s a reflective journey that combines cultural significance with natural splendor.

11. Walk Along the Atami Sun Beach

Atami Sun Beach is not just for swimming; its palm-lined promenade and crystal-clear waters make it an idyllic location for leisurely walks and picnics. The beach becomes a picturesque spot to witness the setting sun, painting the sky in warm hues. Its accessibility and scenic beauty draw both locals and tourists, creating a lively yet relaxing atmosphere. This beach epitomizes the coastal charm of Atami, making it a favored destination for those seeking both recreation and relaxation.

12. Explore the Hatsushima Island Adventure

Just a ferry ride away, Hatsushima Island offers an array of adventure activities like zip-lining, rock climbing, and trekking, set against the backdrop of the island’s natural beauty. It’s an ideal escape for those seeking adventure and a connection with nature. The island’s facilities cater to all ages, ensuring a fun-filled day for families, couples, and solo travelers. Hatsushima provides a blend of excitement and serenity, making it a perfect day-trip destination from Atami.

13. Indulge in Local Seafood Cuisine

Atami’s geographic location by Sagami Bay means it has access to some of the freshest seafood in Japan. Local restaurants take pride in serving specialties like grilled fish, sushi, and sashimi, prepared from the day’s catch. Dining in Atami offers a culinary journey through the flavors of the sea, enhanced by the skilled preparation of its chefs. It’s an essential experience for food enthusiasts wanting to taste the essence of Atami’s marine bounty.

14. Attend the Atami Plum Festival

The Atami Plum Festival at the renowned Atami Plum Garden is a celebration of the early blossoms that signal the coming of spring. The festival not only showcases the beauty of plum blossoms but also brings traditional Japanese cultural performances, tea ceremonies, and local food stalls to the forefront. This event transforms the garden into a festive venue, offering a blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. It’s a highlight of Atami’s cultural calendar, attracting visitors with its vibrant atmosphere and the early promise of spring.

15. Take a Scenic Drive on the Atami Scenic Loop

The Atami Scenic Loop is a driving route that presents spectacular views of the coastline, lush mountains, and the urban landscape of Atami. This route is perfect for those who enjoy scenic drives and wish to explore Atami’s natural beauty at a leisurely pace. Along the way, drivers can find several spots to stop and admire the breathtaking vistas, making it an unforgettable journey. The loop offers a different perspective of Atami, highlighting its diverse landscapes.

16. Enjoy the Atami Baien Ume Matsuri Night Illumination

During the plum festival, the Atami Baien garden is transformed at night with enchanting illuminations that highlight the beauty of the plum blossoms. The nighttime illumination adds a magical dimension to the garden, creating a romantic and ethereal atmosphere among the trees. This event allows visitors to experience the plum garden in a new light, literally and figuratively. The combination of natural beauty and artistic lighting makes for an extraordinary experience.

17. Visit the Atami Hihokan – Museum of Sex

For a unique and perhaps unconventional attraction, the Atami Hihokan, dedicated to erotica, presents an intriguing exploration of Japan’s adult culture. The museum offers a humorous and educational look at the history and art of erotica through various exhibits. It’s an eye-opening experience that showcases a different aspect of Japanese culture, appealing to those with a curious mind. The museum provides a quirky, yet informative, break from the traditional tourist path.

18. Explore Jukkoku Pass with its Cable Car

Jukkoku Pass offers an unparalleled panoramic view that encompasses Mt. Fuji, Sagami Bay, and the Izu Islands, easily accessible via a scenic cable car ride. The pass serves as a vantage point where nature’s grandeur unfolds in a spectacular display, inviting contemplation and admiration. The cable car journey to the pass is an adventure in itself, providing a serene experience above the treetops. Jukkoku Pass is a testament to the natural beauty surrounding Atami, making it a must-visit for nature lovers.

19. Experience the Atami Trick Art Museum

The Atami Trick Art Museum offers an interactive and fun-filled experience with its collection of trick art and optical illusions. It’s a place where art and play merge, allowing visitors to become part of the artwork through clever perspectives and photographic tricks. The museum is designed to entertain and amaze visitors of all ages, making it a perfect family destination. This museum stands out for its ability to engage guests in an imaginative and playful manner.

20. Soak in the views from Atami Castle’s Trick Art Ninja Room

While exploring Atami Castle, the Trick Art Ninja Room offers a delightful diversion with its interactive exhibits that play with perception and space. This modern attraction within the castle adds a touch of whimsy to the historical experience, engaging visitors in a light-hearted adventure. The room’s cleverly designed art creates an illusion of being in a ninja world, offering a unique photo opportunity. It’s an amusing experience that complements the traditional and cultural explorations of Atami Castle.

You must try wasabi when visiting Atami, Japan

What To Eat and Drink in Atami, Japan

Atami is known for its delicious seafood, and visitors should definitely try some of the local specialties while they are there.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to eat and drink in Atami, ensuring you savor the full spectrum of local flavors during your visit.

Must-Try Foods

1. Seafood

Given its coastal location, Atami boasts an abundance of fresh seafood. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy local specialties such as sashimi, sushi, and grilled fish. The town is particularly famous for its sakura shrimp, turban shell (sazae), and red snapper.

2. Onsen Tamago

Eggs gently cooked in the hot spring waters, resulting in a creamy, soft texture. Onsen tamago is often served with a soy-based sauce, making it a simple yet flavorful dish that perfectly represents Atami’s onsen culture.

3. Shabu Shabu

This Japanese hot pot featuring thinly sliced meat and vegetables swished in a pot of boiling water or broth is a must-try. In Atami, you can find shabu shabu with a variety of local ingredients, including fresh seafood and Izu Peninsula’s famed wasabi.

4. Wasabi Products

The Izu Peninsula, including Atami, is known for its high-quality wasabi. Enjoy this iconic Japanese condiment in its freshest form, and don’t miss trying wasabi-infused products like wasabi ice cream, wasabi snacks, and even wasabi beer.

5. Black Egg Bread (Kurotamago Pan)

A unique local snack, this black-colored bread is inspired by the onsen tamago. It’s made with bamboo charcoal and filled with a sweet egg custard, symbolizing the hot spring eggs and Atami’s volcanic surroundings.

Must-Try Drinks

6. Green Tea

Shizuoka Prefecture is one of Japan’s leading tea-producing regions. Enjoy the deep, rich flavors of freshly brewed green tea, including sencha, matcha, and hojicha, at local tea shops or cafes.

7. Local Sake

Atami and its surroundings are home to several sake breweries that take advantage of the pure mountain water for brewing. Visit a local brewery for a tasting session or enjoy a variety of sake at restaurants throughout Atami.

8. Craft Beers

The craft beer scene in Atami is growing, with local breweries experimenting with unique ingredients like yuzu, wasabi, and even seawater. These distinctive brews are a modern twist on Atami’s culinary traditions.

9. Umeshu and Fruit Liqueurs

The region’s plums and other fruits are used to make delicious umeshu (plum wine) and other fruit liqueurs. These sweet, aromatic beverages can be enjoyed on their own or as part of a cocktail.

10. Natural Spring Water

Don’t overlook the simple pleasure of drinking Atami’s natural spring water, known for its purity and health benefits. Bottled at the source, this water is a refreshing way to hydrate and embrace the essence of Atami’s onsen culture.

Atami sunrise in Japan

Tours For Visitors To Atami, Japan

Here’s a detailed and comprehensive list of tours for visitors to Atami, Japan.

1. Atami Hot Spring (Onsen) Tours

Experience the essence of Atami by taking a guided tour of its famous hot springs. These tours offer insights into the history and culture of Japanese onsen, including visits to several bathhouses and ryokans where you can soak in the therapeutic waters. Some tours may also include a traditional kaiseki meal.

2. Cultural and Historical Walking Tours

Explore Atami’s rich history through guided walking tours that take you through the town’s historic sites, including the Atami Castle, MOA Museum of Art, and Kiunkaku, a former luxury ryokan turned historical museum. Learn about Atami’s transformation from a small fishing village to a beloved hot spring resort.

3. Gastronomy Tours

Delve into Atami’s culinary scene with tours focusing on local cuisine. Visit markets, restaurants, and breweries to sample fresh seafood, onsen tamago (hot spring eggs), and regional sake. Some tours may offer cooking classes where you can learn to prepare local dishes.

4. Nature and Adventure Excursions

For the outdoor enthusiasts, Atami offers tours that explore its natural beauty. Join guided hikes to nearby attractions like the Jukkoku Pass for panoramic views, or venture out to the nearby islands such as Hatsushima for snorkeling and water sports. Seasonal tours to see the plum blossoms at Atami Plum Garden or autumn leaves in surrounding areas are also popular.

5. Art and Craft Workshops

Participate in workshops that celebrate Japanese arts and crafts. Options may include pottery making, where you can learn about Atami’s ceramic traditions, or traditional arts like calligraphy and flower arranging. These workshops often take place in scenic locations, offering a blend of creativity and relaxation.

6. Wellness and Mindfulness Retreats

Join a wellness tour for a holistic Atami experience, combining onsen baths with yoga, meditation, and healthy local cuisine. These retreats are designed to rejuvenate both body and mind, set against the backdrop of Atami’s serene landscapes.

7. Sake Brewery Visits

Discover the art of sake brewing with tours to local breweries. Learn about the sake-making process, from rice selection to fermentation, and enjoy tastings of different sake varieties. These tours offer a deep dive into Japan’s beloved rice wine and its cultural significance.

8. Seafood and Fishing Tours

Experience the richness of Sagami Bay with a seafood or fishing tour. Learn about local fishing techniques, visit fish markets, and enjoy a meal prepared with the day’s catch. Some tours might even include a hands-on fishing experience.

9. Guided Shopping Tours

Explore Atami’s shopping scene with a guide to discover the best places for souvenirs, crafts, and local specialties. From traditional crafts to modern Japanese fashion, these tours can be customized to suit your shopping interests.

10. Photography Tours

Capture Atami’s beauty through the lens by joining a photography tour led by local experts. These tours guide you to the most picturesque spots in and around Atami, including hidden gems that only locals know about.

Atami mountain views

Atami Accommodations Guide: Hotels, Guesthouses and Hostels

Here’s a guide to some of the best places to stay in Atami, ensuring a memorable and relaxing visit.

Luxury Hotels

1. Hoshino Resorts RISONARE Atami

This upscale resort offers an exclusive onsen experience with stunning ocean views. Rooms are spacious, blending traditional Japanese aesthetics with modern luxury. Guests can enjoy private hot spring baths, gourmet dining, and tailored services, making for an unforgettable stay.

2. Atami Sekaie

Located on a hill overlooking the ocean, Atami Sekaie provides guests with a serene retreat. Each room features its own open-air hot spring bath, offering privacy and relaxation. The hotel combines traditional Japanese hospitality with contemporary comforts, including exquisite kaiseki cuisine.

Mid-Range Hotels

3. Hotel New Akao

Hotel New Akao boasts a prime location by the sea, with rooms offering panoramic views of Sagami Bay. The hotel features a private beach, outdoor and indoor hot spring baths, and a variety of dining options. It’s perfect for travelers looking for comfort and relaxation without breaking the bank.

4. Atami Tamanoyu Hotel

This hotel offers traditional Japanese accommodation with tatami floors, futon beds, and onsen facilities. Guests can enjoy seasonal Japanese cuisine and ocean views. It’s an excellent choice for experiencing Japanese hospitality and culture at reasonable rates.

Budget Accommodations

5. Guest House MARUYA Atami

A cozy and affordable option, Guest House MARUYA offers both private rooms and dormitory-style accommodations. It’s ideal for backpackers and solo travelers, featuring a communal lounge and kitchen. The guesthouse is conveniently located near Atami Station, making it a great base for exploring the area.

6. Atami Red House

Offering budget-friendly private rooms with a homely atmosphere, Atami Red House is perfect for travelers looking for economical options. Guests have access to a shared kitchen and lounge area, and the friendly staff are known for their excellent service.

Guesthouses and B&Bs

7. Izu-Atami Onsen Yuyado Ichibanchi

This charming guesthouse provides a traditional onsen experience with indoor and outdoor baths. Rooms are Japanese-style, offering a comfortable and authentic stay. The guesthouse is renowned for its warm hospitality and delicious local cuisine.

8. Atami Onsen Guesthouse Nagomi

Atami Onsen Guesthouse Nagomi offers a unique blend of traditional Japanese accommodation and modern amenities. With communal onsen baths, cozy tatami rooms, and a friendly atmosphere, it’s a great choice for those looking to experience Japanese culture up close.


9. Khaosan Atami Onsen Hostel & Bar

A modern hostel that provides both private rooms and dormitory accommodations, Khaosan Atami Onsen Hostel & Bar caters to a younger crowd. It features an on-site bar, communal kitchen, and hot spring baths, offering a social and relaxed environment.

Specialty Lodging

10. Atami Fufu

Nestled in the hills of Atami, this luxury ryokan offers an exclusive getaway with private villas, each equipped with its own onsen. The ryokan specializes in providing a serene and intimate experience, complete with gourmet meals served in the privacy of your villa.

Shimoda day trip from Atami, Japan

Day Trips From Atami, Japan

Here’s a compilation of day trips from Atami, promising enriching experiences that range from serene nature escapes to historical explorations.

1. Hakone

Just a short trip away, Hakone is famed for its hot springs, natural beauty, and the stunning view of Mount Fuji across Lake Ashi. Explore the Hakone Open Air Museum, take a cruise on the pirate ship across Lake Ashi, and ride the Hakone Ropeway for breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the iconic volcano. Hakone offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, art, and relaxation. It’s a must-visit for those looking to immerse themselves in Japan’s renowned onsen culture while enjoying spectacular natural landscapes.

2. Izu Peninsula

The Izu Peninsula, with its beautiful coastline, sandy beaches, and scenic mountainous interior, offers a plethora of outdoor activities. Visit the Jogasaki Coast for its dramatic cliffs and suspension bridge, enjoy the white sands of Shirahama Beach, and explore the Kawazu Seven Waterfalls for a nature-filled day. The Izu Peninsula is also home to numerous hot springs, making it an ideal destination for relaxation after a day of exploration. This area provides a great escape to nature, offering both adventure and tranquility.

3. Mount Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes

A day trip to the iconic Mount Fuji and the surrounding Fuji Five Lakes area offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience to witness Japan’s highest peak up close. Enjoy outdoor activities like boating on Lake Kawaguchi, hiking in the area for stunning views of Mount Fuji, or visiting the traditional village of Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nenba. The region also hosts several theme parks, including Fuji-Q Highland, for those seeking thrills with a scenic backdrop. This trip is perfect for nature lovers, photographers, and adventure seekers alike.

4. Shizuoka

Head to Shizuoka to experience one of Japan’s most renowned tea-producing regions. Take a guided tour of a tea plantation, learn about the tea-making process, and enjoy fresh tea tastings. Shizuoka also boasts beautiful views of Mount Fuji, historical sites like Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, and the Sunpu Castle ruins. The city offers a unique blend of natural beauty, culinary experiences, and historical exploration.

5. Yokohama

Japan’s second-largest city, Yokohama, is within reach for a day trip and offers a vibrant mix of culture, shopping, and entertainment. Visit Minato Mirai for its futuristic skyline, explore the historic Yokohama Chinatown, and enjoy the serene beauty of Sankeien Garden. The Cup Noodles Museum and the Yokohama Ramen Museum offer quirky culinary experiences. Yokohama provides a dynamic urban escape with its waterfront attractions, diverse dining options, and cultural sites.

6. Tokyo

The bustling metropolis of Tokyo is easily accessible from Atami and offers endless attractions, from historic temples and shrines like Senso-ji to the electric town of Akihabara and the fashion-forward streets of Harajuku. Experience the contrasts of Tokyo by exploring its ultra-modern districts alongside its tranquil green spaces like the Imperial Palace Gardens. Tokyo’s world-class museums, shopping districts, and dining scenes cater to all interests. A day trip to Tokyo offers a glimpse into Japan’s cutting-edge urban culture mixed with deep-rooted traditions.

7. Kamakura

Historic Kamakura is a coastal town known for its numerous temples, shrines, and the iconic Great Buddha statue. Explore the traditional streets, visit the Hasedera Temple with its beautiful views of the coast, and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the bamboo grove at Hokokuji Temple. Kamakura’s rich samurai history and its relaxed beach vibe make it a fascinating destination. This trip is perfect for history buffs and those seeking a peaceful retreat.

8. Nikko

Nikko, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is famed for its lavishly decorated shrines, beautiful national parks, and hot springs. The Toshogu Shrine, dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, is a masterpiece of Japanese craftsmanship. Enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Chuzenji and the Kegon Falls, especially stunning in autumn. Nikko offers a blend of cultural treasures and natural wonders, making it a worthwhile day trip.

Atami harbor views with a seagull in Japan

Atami Transportation Guide

Here’s a comprehensive guide to transportation in and around Atami, ensuring a smooth journey for all who visit.

Arriving in Atami

By Train

  • Shinkansen (Bullet Train): Atami is well-served by the Tokaido Shinkansen, making it easily accessible from major cities like Tokyo and Nagoya. From Tokyo Station, it takes approximately 50 minutes to reach Atami. This is the fastest and most convenient way to get to Atami, especially for those traveling with a Japan Rail Pass.
  • Local and Express Trains: The JR Tokaido Line and the Ito Line also connect Atami with other parts of the Greater Tokyo Area and the Izu Peninsula. These trains offer a more scenic route, ideal for travelers not in a hurry.

Getting Around Atami

On Foot

  • The town center of Atami, including the beach, shopping streets, and some hot spring resorts, is compact and easily navigable on foot. Walking is a pleasant way to explore the area and soak in the local atmosphere.

By Bus

  • Local Buses: Atami’s local bus network covers the town and its surrounding areas, providing access to attractions that are not within walking distance from the train station. Buses are a practical option for visiting places like the MOA Museum of Art and Atami Plum Garden.
  • Tourist Loop Bus: For visitors, the Atami Baien Yu Meguri bus is a convenient loop service that connects major tourist spots, including hot spring resorts and gardens, making it easy to get around without having to navigate the regular bus routes.

By Taxi

  • Taxis are readily available at Atami Station and throughout the town. They offer a convenient, though more expensive, way to travel, especially for groups or those visiting attractions further afield.

By Rental Car

  • Renting a car is an option for those planning to explore the wider Izu Peninsula. Car rental agencies are located near Atami Station. Driving allows for greater flexibility in visiting remote beaches, scenic spots, and neighboring towns at your own pace. Keep in mind that traffic can be heavy during peak travel seasons.

Day Trips from Atami

By Train

  • The Izu Peninsula is known for its beautiful coastlines, hot springs, and hiking trails, all accessible by train from Atami. The Izu Kyuko Line, for example, connects Atami to popular destinations like Ito and Shimoda, offering a scenic route through the peninsula.

By Bus

  • Regional bus services offer connections from Atami to other notable areas on the Izu Peninsula, including the Jukkoku Pass and the Kawazu Seven Waterfalls. Buses can be a more direct option for locations not served by trains.

Travel Tips

  • Izu Free Pass: For exploring the wider Izu Peninsula, consider purchasing the Izu Free Pass, which offers unlimited use of certain trains, buses, and ropeways in the area.
  • Walking Shoes: With Atami’s hilly terrain and scenic walks, comfortable shoes are a must for exploring.
  • Stay Informed: Check schedules and routes in advance, especially when planning to use local buses or trains, as service frequency can vary.

Hakodate must visit place after Atami, Japan

Where To Visit After Your Trip To Atami?

Here’s a list of places to visit after your trip to Atami, ensuring your adventure through Japan continues with memorable experiences.

1. Hakone

Just a stone’s throw away from Atami, Hakone is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, hot springs, and the breathtaking view of Mount Fuji. Visit the Hakone Open Air Museum, take a cruise on Lake Ashi, or enjoy a ride on the Hakone Ropeway for panoramic views of the surrounding area. Hakone provides a perfect blend of nature and art, making it an ideal next stop.

2. Izu Peninsula

Explore the Izu Peninsula for its beautiful beaches, rugged coastlines, and scenic mountain interior. Discover the mesmerizing Kawazu Seven Waterfalls, relax in the numerous onsens scattered across the peninsula, or enjoy fresh seafood by the coast. Izu is also famous for its wasabi farms and offers numerous hiking trails for outdoor enthusiasts.

3. Shizuoka

Head to Shizuoka to immerse yourself in the heart of Japan’s green tea culture. Visit a tea plantation, learn about tea production, and enjoy matcha with a view of Mount Fuji. Shizuoka also boasts beautiful beaches, historical sites, and the Sumpu Castle Park, offering a diverse experience.

4. Yokohama

Experience the vibrant city life in Yokohama, Japan’s second-largest city. Explore the futuristic Minato Mirai district, walk through the historic Yokohama Chinatown, and relax in the serene Sankeien Garden. Don’t miss the Cup Noodles Museum for a quirky look at this culinary invention.

5. Tokyo

The bustling metropolis of Tokyo offers endless exploration opportunities, from the historic Asakusa district and the Meiji Shrine to the trendy streets of Shibuya and Harajuku. Experience the city’s world-class museums, shopping districts, and diverse dining scene. Tokyo’s mix of traditional and modern makes it a must-visit.

6. Kamakura

Step back in time in Kamakura, a coastal town known for its numerous temples, shrines, and the iconic Great Buddha statue. Enjoy the historical ambiance, beautiful beaches, and hiking trails that offer stunning views of Sagami Bay. Kamakura’s rich history and natural beauty make it a captivating destination.

7. Nikko

Discover the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Nikko, where you can visit the lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine, the tranquil Rinnoji Temple, and the majestic Futarasan Shrine. Nikko is also home to breathtaking natural landscapes, including the Kegon Falls and Lake Chuzenji. It’s a place where Japan’s cultural heritage and natural beauty converge.

8. Fuji Five Lakes

The Fuji Five Lakes area, located at the northern base of Mount Fuji, offers stunning views of Japan’s most iconic mountain, outdoor activities, and cultural experiences. Visit the picturesque Lake Kawaguchi, explore the Fuji Q Highland amusement park, or hike the trails offering majestic views of Mount Fuji. The area is perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

9. Kawagoe

Known as “Little Edo,” Kawagoe retains a nostalgic charm with its well-preserved warehouse district, traditional candy alley, and historic temples. It’s an ideal place to experience the atmosphere of old Tokyo without straying too far from the modern capital. Kawagoe offers a unique blend of history, culture, and delicious local treats.

10. Nagano

A bit further away, Nagano offers a wealth of natural beauty, historical sites, and winter sports opportunities. Visit the Zenkoji Temple, one of Japan’s most important pilgrimage sites, enjoy the stunning alpine scenery, or explore the Jigokudani Monkey Park, where snow monkeys bathe in hot springs. Nagano is a destination that promises enriching cultural and outdoor experiences.

Atami scenic views down by the beach in Japan

Atami Travel Guide: Final Thoughts

Atami is a charming destination that offers a unique blend of relaxation, natural beauty, and cultural attractions. From its stunning beaches and hot springs to its rich history and picturesque gardens, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Whether you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, explore Japan’s rich culture and history, or simply soak in the natural beauty of the region, Atami is a fantastic choice. With its convenient location just a short trip from Tokyo, it’s the perfect destination for a day trip or weekend getaway.

So why not book your trip to Atami today and discover all that this incredible destination has to offer? With so much to see and do, you’re sure to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Ode To Atami

Amidst the mountains and the sea, Lies a town, oh so charmingly, With hot springs that flow and heal, And stunning views that truly thrill.

From ancient shrines to modern art, There’s something here to touch your heart, And with each step, you’ll surely find, That Atami is a gem, one of a kind.

So let your worries drift away, And let Atami brighten up your day, For in this town, so full of grace, You’ll find a warm and welcoming embrace.

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