Japan’s Countryside Wonders: 10 Must-Visit Rural Spots in Japan

Japan, a harmonious blend of old and new, traditional and modern, is renowned for its bustling metropolises like Tokyo and Osaka. These cities, with their iconic skyscrapers and neon lights, encapsulate the rapid technological advancements and the relentless pace of daily life. However, venturing beyond these urban jungles reveals a completely different facet of Japan: its enchanting rural landscapes. Steeped in tradition, history, and natural beauty, the Japanese countryside is a serene escape that offers travelers a profound connection to the land and its people.

Japan's Countryside Wonders: 10 Must-Visit Rural Spots in Japan

It’s a timeless realm where ancient rituals, centuries-old architecture, and the rhythm of the seasons dominate the landscape. The importance of exploring beyond Japan’s urban centers cannot be emphasized enough for it’s in these less-trodden paths that the very soul of Japan resides.

The Allure of Japan’s Rural Beauty

The Allure of Japan's Rural Beauty

Beyond the hustle and bustle of Japan’s metropolises lie expansive rice fields, dotted with tiny villages that seem to exist in their own time capsule. The air is fresher, the pace slower, and the landscapes more organic. Misty mountains, serene lakes, and babbling brooks paint a picture of tranquility. The rural charm is amplified by the old wooden houses, Shinto shrines, and farmers tending to their crops, a testament to the symbiotic relationship the Japanese have with nature.

The Japanese countryside is not just a visual treat; it offers a multisensory experience. The sound of a distant temple bell, the fragrance of fresh green tea leaves, the taste of seasonal fruits plucked straight from the tree, and the touch of handmade artisanal crafts weave together to create an unforgettable tapestry of experiences.

Rural Japanese architecture in Shirakawago, Japan

Venturing Beyond the Urban Sprawl

Visiting the rural areas of Japan is akin to flipping through the pages of a rich history book. Each village, each temple, and even each rice field tells a story of the generations that have lived and thrived there. These tales speak of resilience, harmony, and the unique Japanese philosophy of ‘wabi-sabi’ – finding beauty in imperfection and transience. By venturing beyond the urban centers, one immerses oneself in the authentic Japan, shedding light on the cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions that are often overshadowed by the neon glow of the cities.

Furthermore, the importance of these rural expeditions lies in their potential to foster sustainable tourism. Japan’s countryside is vulnerable. The younger generation is increasingly migrating to urban areas, leaving behind an aging population and, at times, deserted villages. Tourism can play a crucial role in revitalizing these areas, bringing in much-needed economic support, and ensuring that the rich cultural heritage of these hamlets is preserved for future generations.

In essence, exploring the hidden gems of Japan’s countryside is not merely a detour from the urban attractions; it’s an enriching journey into the heart and soul of a nation that has seamlessly interwoven the fabric of its rich past with the threads of modernity. So, as we unveil the 10 must-visit rural spots in Japan, prepare yourself for an odyssey that promises soulful encounters, picturesque vistas, and timeless memories.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

The Allure of Rural Japan

Historical Significance

Rural Japan Historical Allure

A deep dive into the Japanese countryside is akin to traveling back in time. The historical significance of these regions is palpable, with every structure, every path, and every tree echoing tales from the past.

  1. Samurai and Feudal Villages: Rural areas like the town of Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefecture or the little village of Tsuwano in Shimane are reminiscent of old samurai towns. With well-preserved samurai residences, old streets lined with white-walled buildings, and traditional establishments, these regions offer a peek into Japan’s feudal era. The very stones of the streets seem to whisper the valorous tales of samurai who once walked on them.
  2. Ancient Pilgrimage Routes: The Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route in the Kii Mountain range, a UNESCO World Heritage site, traces its origins back to over a thousand years. Wandering along these sacred trails, pilgrims are reminded of the spiritual journeys of emperors and aristocrats who once sought enlightenment here.
  3. Historical Preservation: Towns like Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are famous for their traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses, some of which are more than 250 years old. Recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites, these villages encapsulate the essence of rural Japanese life from centuries ago.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Natural Beauty and Serenity

The countryside of Japan is a testament to the country’s incredible geographical diversity and its profound respect for nature.

  1. Diverse Landscapes: From the snow-capped mountains of Hokkaido to the lush forests of Kyushu, the natural beauty of rural Japan is both varied and mesmerizing. Places like the Japanese Alps offer breathtaking vistas, while the terraced rice fields in areas like Kyushu change with every season, reflecting nature’s ever-evolving palette.
  2. Seasonal Splendors: Japan is globally renowned for its cherry blossoms, but rural areas magnify this beauty manifold. Regions like Tohoku offer unparalleled views during the sakura season, while places like Nagano become a colorful tapestry during autumn.
  3. Quiet Retreats: The Iya Valley, often termed Japan’s “Tibet”, is one of the most remote and tranquil areas of the country. With its deep gorges, pristine rivers, and ancient vine bridges, it’s a haven for those seeking peace and tranquility.

Rural Japanese food in Shirakawago, Japan

Authentic Cultural Experiences

Rural Japan is where the heart of Japanese culture beats strongest, unobstructed by the cacophony of modern life.

  1. Traditional Crafts: Areas like Kanazawa are rich in traditional crafts, from gold leaf artistry to intricate silk dyeing techniques. Engaging with local artisans offers a deep appreciation for Japan’s enduring craftsmanship.
  2. Time-Honored Festivals: Rural festivals, like the Nebuta Festival in Aomori or the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto’s outskirts, offer a vibrant display of Japan’s cultural heritage. Rooted in ancient customs, these festivals provide a profound connection to Japan’s spiritual and artistic essence.
  3. Culinary Delights: The Japanese countryside is a treasure trove of gastronomic experiences. Be it the fresh seafood of coastal villages or the seasonal delicacies of mountainous regions, rural Japan offers a culinary journey that tantalizes the palate while revealing age-old recipes and cooking techniques.

The allure of rural Japan lies in its deep-seated history, unmatched natural beauty, and authentic cultural immersion. It beckons travelers to step off the beaten path and discover a Japan that’s profound, timeless, and endlessly enchanting.

Ten Must-Visit Rural Spots In Japan For Visitors

Here is a list of the top 10 rural destinations worthy of visiting in Japan:

Traditional Japanese rooftop thatched roof in Shirakawago, Japan

Shirakawa-go (Gifu)

Nestled in a remote valley surrounded by the rugged high mountain peaks of the Northern Japanese Alps, Shirakawa-go is a picturesque village that seems to have sprung straight from the pages of a fairy tale. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1995, it is celebrated for its distinctive gassho-zukuri farmhouses. This style of architecture, with its steep thatched roofs, is reminiscent of two hands brought together in prayer, which is the very essence of the word ‘gassho’.

These homes, with their steeply sloping roofs designed to withstand heavy snowfalls, are an architectural marvel and a testament to Japan’s ingenious traditional design. Their rustic charm is amplified by the intricate wooden beams, which are constructed without the use of nails. Each farmhouse stands as a symbol of the harmonious relationship the villagers of Shirakawa-go have nurtured with nature, adapting to and thriving in the harsh conditions of this secluded region.

The village’s landscape transforms with every season. The pristine white snow during winter turns these homes into magical snow domes, while spring brings forth a burst of cherry blossoms, painting the village in soft pinks. The lush greenery of summer gives way to a splendid display of autumn colors, making Shirakawa-go a year-round destination of mesmerizing beauty.

Rural Japanese bridge crossing Shirakawago, Japan


  1. Seasonal Festivals: Shirakawa-go is renowned for its festivals that celebrate the unique culture and traditions of the region. One of the most iconic festivals is the Doburoku Festival, held at Shirakawa Hachiman Shrine. This festival celebrates the autumn harvest with performances, dances, and the serving of doburoku (a type of sake). Another not-to-be-missed spectacle is the Winter Light-Up event. During this time, the gassho-zukuri houses are illuminated, casting a warm, ethereal glow against the snowy backdrop, creating a dreamy, almost magical atmosphere.
  2. Traditional Guesthouses (Minshuku): Staying in a traditional gassho-zukuri house is an experience that transports visitors back in time. Many of these homes have been converted into minshuku, or traditional guesthouses. Here, guests can experience authentic Japanese hospitality, sleep on futons laid out on tatami mats, and savor home-cooked local dishes. Waking up in such an ambiance, especially when the village is veiled in morning mist or blanketed in snow, is truly surreal.
  3. Open Air Museums: The Gassho-zukuri Minkaen open-air museum offers a deep dive into the heritage of Shirakawa-go. Here, visitors can explore various relocated and preserved farmhouses, watch demonstrations of traditional crafts, and learn about the daily lives of the villagers in times gone by.
  4. Observation Decks: For those who wish to capture the panoramic beauty of Shirakawa-go, the Shiroyama Viewpoint is the place to be. This observation deck offers a bird’s eye view of the village, with its cluster of thatched roofs and the Shogawa River flowing gracefully in the backdrop.

In essence, Shirakawa-go is more than just a destination; it’s a journey into Japan’s rich architectural legacy, cultural traditions, and its people’s indomitable spirit. It stands as a reminder of the beauty that emerges when humans live in harmony with nature. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or a traveler in search of serenity, Shirakawa-go promises memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

source: Discover Ishikawa, Japan on YouTube

Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa)

Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa) in Japan

Jutting out into the Sea of Japan, the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture is an untouched jewel, a place where the rhythm of the waves meets the echoes of history. Characterized by its rugged coastline, serene beaches, dense forests, and picturesque rice terraces, Noto offers a landscape that is both wild and invitingly serene.

As one of the most remote and rural regions in Japan, the peninsula has managed to preserve its age-old traditions, customs, and way of life. Its isolation, both geographical and cultural, is its strength. While the majestic cliffs and roaring waves represent the wild beauty of nature, the warm-hearted locals symbolize the undying spirit of a community that has weathered storms and celebrated sunrises for generations.

What’s captivating about the Noto Peninsula is the palpable sense of history. From the ancient salt-making techniques still practiced on its shores to the rustic, thatched-roof houses dotting its landscape, Noto stands as a testament to Japan’s enduring connection to its roots.


  1. Wajima Morning Market: As dawn breaks over the Noto Peninsula, the Wajima morning market, locally known as Wajima Asaichi, comes to life. This market has been a hub of activity for over a thousand years. Wander through its vibrant lanes, and you’ll be enveloped in a sensory experience: the fresh aroma of seafood caught just hours before, the vivid hues of locally-grown vegetables, and the inviting scent of freshly-prepared local delicacies. But beyond the produce, it’s the handcrafted lacquerware, known as Wajima-nuri, that steals the show. Meticulously crafted using age-old techniques, these pieces are a fusion of functionality and artistry, making them coveted souvenirs.
  2. Notojima Aquarium: Situated on Notojima Island, the Notojima Aquarium is a window into the marine world of the Sea of Japan. Home to over 40,000 marine creatures spanning 500 different species, it offers visitors a chance to marvel at the diverse aquatic life. From playful dolphins and graceful sea lions to the mesmerizing jellyfish displays, the aquarium is a celebration of marine biodiversity. Interactive programs, like the dolphin and sea lion shows, not only entertain but also educate visitors about the importance of marine conservation.
  3. Coastal Exploration: The rugged coastline of the Noto Peninsula is perfect for exploration. Sites like the Ganmon Rock, with its naturally carved sea cave, are a testament to the relentless power of nature. Additionally, the terraced rice fields of Shiroyone Senmaida, illuminated at night, offer a surreal landscape that juxtaposes man’s agricultural prowess with nature’s grandeur.
  4. Traditional Experiences: Delving into the age-old traditions of the Noto Peninsula can be a transformative experience. Witnessing the ancient salt-making methods at Agehama-style salt farms or participating in local festivals, such as the dynamic Kiriko festivals with their massive lantern floats, provide a deep connection to the region’s cultural tapestry.

In its essence, the Noto Peninsula is a sanctuary where time slows down, and the cacophony of the modern world fades away. It invites visitors to immerse themselves in its timeless beauty, indulge in its authentic experiences, and forge a bond with a land where traditions aren’t just remembered; they’re lived. Whether you’re standing on its cliffs with the sea breeze ruffling your hair or chatting with a local artisan in Wajima market, Noto ensures that its melodies linger in your heart long after you’ve left its shores.

source: FEEL FUKUOKA JAPAN on YouTube

Yakushima (Kagoshima)

Yakushima (Kagoshima) in Japan

Majestically rising from the azure waters of the East China Sea, south of Kyushu, lies Yakushima. A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, this verdant island is often referred to as the “Alps of the Ocean” due to its mountainous terrain. But beyond its topography, Yakushima’s true allure lies in its primordial cedar forests, some of which have stood tall and proud for thousands of years.

The island is cloaked in a rich tapestry of biodiversity, with the forests housing trees that have witnessed millennia, often referred to as “Yakusugi.” The most famous among them is the Jomon Sugi, a cedar tree believed to be over 7,000 years old. This ancient tree, with its gnarled bark and sprawling canopy, stands as a silent testament to the passage of time.

The island’s unique ecosystem is a result of its varied altitude, ranging from warm coastal areas to cooler mountainous regions. This gradient has endowed Yakushima with a fascinating array of flora and fauna, with subtropical and subalpine zones. As the mists roll in, they weave a gossamer blanket around the island, further enhancing its ethereal beauty and nurturing the moss-covered forests that seem straight out of a fantasy realm.


  1. Trekking: Yakushima is a trekker’s paradise. The trails here range from gentle walks amidst the cedar forests to challenging hikes up the island’s peaks. The path leading to the venerable Jomon Sugi is particularly popular, taking hikers through verdant landscapes and offering glimpses of the island’s ancient trees. Every step on these trails brings with it the aroma of the dense forest, the chirping of endemic birds, and the timeless aura of the ancient cedars.
  2. Visiting Waterfalls: The island’s abundant rainfall gives life to several stunning waterfalls. The Oko no Taki waterfall, one of the tallest and most majestic on the island, cascades gracefully, creating a misty spectacle. Another gem, the Senpiro no Taki, is framed by a vast granite backdrop, showcasing nature’s artistry at its finest. These waterfalls, with their pristine pools and surrounding greenery, offer tranquil spots for reflection and relaxation.
  3. Exploring the Coastline: While the forests are Yakushima’s crowning glory, its coastline is equally captivating. The coastal areas, with their unique rock formations and tide pools, provide an opportunity to witness marine life and appreciate the island’s geology. The ethereal Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen is a seaside hot spring that’s accessible only during low tide, offering bathers a therapeutic experience with panoramic ocean views.
  4. Wildlife Watching: The dense forests of Yakushima are home to the Yaku deer and Yaku macaque, both endemic to the island. Observing these creatures in their natural habitat, undisturbed by the urban sprawl, is a magical experience. The island’s biodiversity extends to its skies and streams, with varied bird species and creatures like the loggerhead turtle frequenting its shores.

Yakushima is where nature’s grandeur unfolds in every nook and cranny. It beckons travelers to disconnect from the outside world and form a deep connection with the earth and its ancient tales. From the whispers of the age-old cedars to the rhythmic cadence of its waterfalls, Yakushima offers a symphony of experiences that resonate with the soul and leave an indelible mark on the heart.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Nikko (Tochigi)

Situated in the mountainous heart of Tochigi Prefecture lies Nikko, an enchanting blend of rich history and breathtaking nature. For centuries, it has been a spiritual and cultural center, drawing pilgrims and travelers alike with its grandiose temples, serene landscapes, and the resonant mantra, “Never say ‘kekkou’ until you’ve seen Nikko,” meaning one should not use the word ‘beautiful’ until witnessing the beauty of this place.

Nikko’s historical significance is intertwined with its spiritual heritage. The mausoleums of the Tokugawa shoguns, surrounded by a complex of shrines, bear testimony to Japan’s feudal history, while the vast, pristine wilderness that envelopes these structures stands as a testament to nature’s eternal splendor. The juxtaposition of meticulously crafted wooden structures, adorned with intricate carvings and gold leaf, against the backdrop of towering cedar trees and the distant murmur of waterfalls encapsulates the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Tofu dish in Nikko, Japan as rural cuisine


  1. Visiting Toshogu Shrine: At the heart of Nikko’s historical district stands the Toshogu Shrine, the final resting place of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate that ruled Japan for over 250 years. The shrine complex is a masterpiece of Japanese craftsmanship and architectural prowess. With its lavishly decorated gates, like the renowned Yomeimon Gate, and intricate wood carvings, including the famous “See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil” monkeys, Toshogu offers a journey into Japan’s rich past. Each detail, from the vibrant colors to the ornate sculptures, tells tales of power, devotion, and artistic innovation.
  2. Hiking around Lake Chuzenji: A short drive from the historic heart of Nikko takes you to the tranquil shores of Lake Chuzenji. Situated at the foot of Mount Nantai, this lake is a result of the mountain’s volcanic activity. Its calm, reflective waters provide a mirror to the changing seasons — cherry blossoms in spring, lush greenery in summer, vibrant autumnal hues, and a serene snow-clad landscape in winter. Hiking trails around the lake offer varying levels of difficulty, catering to both casual walkers and avid trekkers. Along the way, landmarks like the Kegon Falls, one of Japan’s highest waterfalls, add to the scenic beauty, providing picturesque spots to pause and soak in the view.
  3. Exploring Nikko National Park: Beyond the lake lies the expansive Nikko National Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts. Dense forests, mountainous terrains, hot springs, and an array of flora and fauna await discovery. The park’s trails lead to hidden gems, from secluded shrines to panoramic viewpoints. For those seeking tranquility, the park’s serene landscapes, punctuated by the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, provide a meditative escape.
  4. Experiencing Onsen Culture: After a day of exploration, there’s no better way to relax than by indulging in Nikko’s onsen (hot spring) culture. The therapeutic waters, rich in minerals and sourced from the region’s volcanic activity, promise rejuvenation for both body and soul.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Nikko is a symphony of history and nature. It invites travelers to traverse the corridors of time, to stand where shoguns once stood, and to witness the timeless beauty of nature that has inspired poets and artists for generations. Whether it’s the solemnity of a centuries-old ritual at Toshogu or the first light of dawn reflecting on Lake Chuzenji, Nikko offers moments of profound beauty and reflection.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Iya Valley (Tokushima)

Iya Valley (Tokushima) in Japan

Hidden deep within the mountainous folds of Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku Island, the Iya Valley is a verdant oasis of tranquility, often referred to as one of Japan’s “Three Hidden Valleys.” Its isolation has preserved not just its pristine natural beauty, but also a way of life and traditions that have remained largely untouched by the rapid modernization witnessed elsewhere.

The valley, with its steep rocky cliffs and the emerald-hued Iya River flowing below, paints a picturesque landscape. But among the many natural wonders of Iya, the most iconic are its vine bridges. These bridges, originally constructed as a means to traverse the valley, are made using woven vines and are periodically rebuilt to ensure their strength. With wooden planks spaced intermittently, they sway gently when crossed, offering both an exhilarating experience and unparalleled views of the river below.

The legend goes that these bridges were built by the Heike clan, who fled to the valley after a defeat in the 12th century. Their choice of such a secluded refuge and the creation of these bridges, which could be easily cut down in the face of an invasion, speaks volumes of the valley’s strategic significance in ancient times.


  1. Hot Springs: The seclusion of Iya Valley is reflected in its onsen (hot spring) culture. Tucked away amidst nature, these springs offer a therapeutic experience. The mineral-rich waters, heated by the earth’s geothermal activity, are believed to have healing properties. Bathing in these springs, with the mountainous horizon in the backdrop and the sounds of nature all around, rejuvenates both the body and spirit. The Iya Onsen, accessed via a cable car that descends down a steep mountain slope, is particularly notable for its riverside location and breathtaking views.
  2. Oboke Gorge Boat Rides: Further enhancing the valley’s allure is the Oboke Gorge, carved by the Iya River over millennia. The sheer rock faces, interspersed with verdant vegetation, create a mesmerizing landscape. Navigating this beauty, traditional boat rides offer a unique perspective of the gorge. As the skilled boatmen steer through the gentle rapids, they share tales and legends of the region, making the ride both scenic and informative.
  3. Exploring Traditional Villages: Scattered throughout the valley are quaint villages that have retained their traditional charm. A visit to these hamlets offers insights into the valley’s history and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. The Iya Kazurabashi, the most famous of the vine bridges, is located near one such village, and crossing it is akin to stepping back in time.
  4. Hiking and Sightseeing: For those keen on exploring the valley’s terrains, numerous hiking trails crisscross the region. These paths, ranging from gentle walks to more challenging treks, lead to vantage points offering panoramic views of the valley. The Manikin Peeing Boy statue, perched on a cliff overlooking a deep gorge, is one of the valley’s quirky attractions, symbolizing the depth and sheer drop of the valley below.

The Iya Valley is a reminder of the timeless beauty and serenity that still exists in pockets of the world. It’s a place where the mists of the past seamlessly blend with the present, where every vine bridge crossed and every mountain trail traversed tells tales of legends, of battles lost and won, and of the indomitable spirit of nature and humanity. Whether it’s the warmth of the hot springs or the gentle sway of a boat ride in the Oboke Gorge, the valley offers a retreat for the soul, a place to disconnect and find one’s bearings amidst nature’s grandeur.

source: GoNorth Japan on YouTube

Kiso Valley (Nagano)

Kiso Valley (Nagano) in Japan

Located in the heart of the towering Japanese Alps, Kiso Valley in Nagano Prefecture is a portal to Japan’s illustrious past. Characterized by its lush landscapes, meandering rivers, and rich history, the valley stands as a testament to an era when foot travel was the primary means of long-distance transportation. But, perhaps most emblematic of this bygone epoch are the valley’s meticulously preserved post towns, especially Tsumago and Magome, which once served travelers on the historic Nakasendo trail.

The Nakasendo, translating to “The Road Through the Mountains,” was one of the five routes connecting Tokyo and Kyoto during the Edo period. Of its 69 post towns, Tsumago and Magome are the most atmospheric and well-preserved, seemingly frozen in time. As you walk through these towns, the wooden facades, lantern-lit pathways, and stone-paved streets transport you back to a time when samurai, merchants, and travelers roamed these paths. With the prohibition of modern-day intrusions like power lines and private cars, the authenticity of the Edo-period ambiance remains undisturbed.


  1. Hiking the Nakasendo Trail: Among the most rewarding experiences in Kiso Valley is hiking the scenic stretch of the Nakasendo between Tsumago and Magome. Spanning approximately 8 kilometers, this segment of the trail offers a meditative journey through centuries-old cypress and cedar forests, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque rice terraces. Marked by centuries-old way markers and punctuated with teahouses offering respite to modern-day travelers, the trail provides both a physical journey through nature and a temporal journey through history.
  2. Sampling Local Cuisine: The culinary delights of Kiso Valley are as rooted in its history as the post towns themselves. As you traverse the region, indulge in traditional dishes like Gohei-mochi – skewered and grilled rice cakes glazed with a sweet and savory walnut or miso sauce. Another must-try is Kiso soba, buckwheat noodles unique to the region, often served cold with a dipping sauce or hot in a broth, a testament to the valley’s agricultural heritage.
  3. Visiting Historical Attractions: Beyond the main post towns, the valley is dotted with historical sites and museums. The Waki-honjin in Tsumago offers insights into the accommodations provided to high-ranking officials during their travels. With its original structure preserved, a visit here offers a glimpse into the architectural and cultural nuances of the period.
  4. Engaging with Traditional Crafts: Kiso Valley is renowned for its woodworking tradition, especially the crafting of lacquerware. The deep-hued, meticulously crafted pieces, often inlaid with gold or silver, are a reflection of the region’s artisanal heritage. Engaging with local craftsmen, witnessing their intricate processes, and even procuring a piece as a keepsake, makes for a memorable experience.
  5. Experiencing Stay in a Ryokan: To fully immerse oneself in the ethos of Kiso Valley, a stay in a traditional ryokan (inn) is imperative. With tatami-matted rooms, communal onsen baths, and traditional meals served in-room, it offers a holistic experience of Japanese hospitality and a sense of tranquility that aligns seamlessly with the valley’s ambiance.

Kiso Valley, with its preserved post towns and historical trails, offers a rare juxtaposition of nature and history. It beckons travelers not just to witness but to experience a way of life that thrived centuries ago. Each step on the Nakasendo, each bite of the region’s delicacies, and every interaction with its age-old traditions serve as a bridge between the past and the present, making a visit to this valley a poetic journey through time.

source: Yemima Lim on YouTube

Naoshima (Kagawa)

Naoshima (Kagawa) in Japan

Tucked away amidst the azure waters of the Seto Inland Sea, Naoshima is a beguiling blend of nature’s majesty and human creativity. Often dubbed the “Art Island,” Naoshima stands as a vibrant testament to the transformative power of art. What was once a tranquil fishing island with a declining population has metamorphosed into an unparalleled global art hub, thanks to the vision of a few art aficionados and the collaboration between artists, architects, and the local community.

The island’s unique identity is shaped by its intriguing juxtaposition of contemporary art installations and traditional Japanese life. As you amble through its settlements, it’s not unusual to stumble upon avant-garde sculptures seamlessly integrating with the island’s natural topography or traditional houses transformed into art spaces. This organic fusion of art, architecture, and landscape not only redefined Naoshima’s narrative but also posed a profound meditation on the relationship between nature, art, and humanity.


  1. Exploring the Chichu Art Museum: Perhaps the most iconic of Naoshima’s art destinations, the Chichu Art Museum, designed by the renowned architect Tadao Ando, is a masterclass in architectural innovation. Entirely subterranean, the museum utilizes natural light to illuminate its exhibits, ensuring that the viewing experience changes with the shifting position of the sun. The museum houses works by eminent artists such as Claude Monet, James Turrell, and Walter De Maria. Beyond the artworks, the museum itself is an artistic marvel, with its geometric forms and play of light and shadow offering a transformative experience.
  2. Beach Hopping: Naoshima’s beaches are a confluence of sandy shores and artistic flair. The most famous, Benesse House Beach, is punctuated with artworks that invite interaction. From the whimsical yellow pumpkin by Yayoi Kusama to the playful sculptures that pepper the landscape, each installation enhances the beach’s allure. These beaches provide both relaxation and contemplation, as the waves and art converse in silent harmony.
  3. Visiting the Benesse House Museum: An integration of a museum and a hotel, the Benesse House Museum showcases a diverse collection of contemporary art from both Japanese and international artists. Each piece is thoughtfully placed, ensuring that the art, architecture, and surrounding environment resonate with each other. Staying at the Benesse House allows visitors to immerse themselves fully in the art experience, with artworks extending from the museum into the rooms and surrounding areas.
  4. Exploring Art Houses and Installations: The Art House Project transformed abandoned houses and workshops into art installations. Scattered across the island, these spaces blur the boundaries between everyday life and art. Each house offers a unique encounter, be it the serene ambiance of Minamidera, which houses a James Turrell light installation, or the reflective waters of the Go’o Shrine.
  5. Riding the Art Buses: Naoshima’s local buses, adorned with colorful polka dots, reflect the island’s artistic ethos. Beyond their functional role of transporting visitors between key destinations, they add a touch of whimsy to the island’s landscape.
  6. Sampling Local Delicacies: While art is the soul of Naoshima, its culinary offerings provide a flavorful counterpart. The local cafes and eateries, some housed in artfully designed spaces, offer delicacies like fresh seafood from the Seto Inland Sea, ensuring that the island’s artistic journey also satiates the palate.

Naoshima challenges the traditional paradigms of where and how art should be displayed. It invites visitors to not just observe art but to live it — to feel the sun as it plays on a Monet, to hear the waves as they serenade a sculpture, and to contemplate art’s space in our lives and landscapes. It’s an island where every sunset paints a canvas and where the line between man-made and natural beauty is delightfully blurred.

source: GoNorth Japan on YouTube

Aso (Kumamoto)

Aso (Kumamoto) in Japan

Located in the heart of Kyushu, Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture is a testament to nature’s raw and magnificent power. Dominating the landscape is Mount Aso, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, which has shaped the region’s geography, history, and culture over countless millennia. The vast caldera, spanning approximately 120 kilometers in circumference, is one of the largest in the world, and within its expansive embrace lie thriving towns, fertile plains, and the resplendent Aso-san, the central volcanic complex.

Aso’s landscape is a testament to both the destructive and nurturing powers of volcanism. While eruptions have carved its rugged terrains and left ash-laden layers, they have also blessed the region with mineral-rich soils, making it an agricultural haven. The juxtaposition of verdant pastures, undulating hills, and the ever-smoldering crater offers a dramatic landscape that captivates both the eye and the soul.


  1. Hiking: Aso offers myriad hiking opportunities that cater to both novice walkers and seasoned trekkers. The trails around the outer rim of the caldera offer panoramic views of the expansive interior, while those venturing closer to the central crater are rewarded with views of fuming vents and the cerulean-blue Komezuka, a beautifully symmetrical volcanic cone. Each path provides unique vantage points of Aso’s multifaceted beauty, from its lush grasslands to its smoky summits.
  2. Visiting Aso Volcano Museum: Delving deep into the geology, history, and cultural significance of Mount Aso, the Aso Volcano Museum offers a comprehensive understanding of the region’s volcanic activity. Interactive exhibits detail the formation of the caldera, the different types of eruptions, and the flora and fauna nurtured by this unique ecosystem. A visit here not only educates but also offers context to the landscape visitors witness, making it an essential stop for those keen on understanding the intricacies of this geothermal marvel.
  3. Exploring the Aso Shrine: A symbol of the region’s spiritual heritage, the Aso Shrine is believed to be over 2,500 years old and pays homage to the deity of Aso-san. Though the original structures were damaged in earthquakes, the restored shrine continues to be a beacon of the region’s cultural and spiritual identity. Festivals, rituals, and ceremonies here often intertwine with the volcanic landscape, reflecting the deep reverence and respect the locals have for the mountain’s power.
  4. Horse Riding: The grassy plains of the caldera, known locally as Kusasenri, offer a unique equestrian experience. Riding amidst this vast green expanse, with the looming presence of the volcanic peaks in the backdrop, is both tranquil and invigorating. The gentle trot of the horses complements the serene ambiance, making it a favorite activity for those looking to experience Aso’s beauty at a leisurely pace.
  5. Sampling Local Cuisine: The mineral-rich soils of Aso, nurtured by centuries of volcanic activity, yield crops of exceptional quality. Delight in local specialties like Akaushi (Aso beef), celebrated for its tenderness and flavor, or savor the freshness of locally grown vegetables in a traditional hot pot. The region’s culinary offerings are a reflection of its fertile landscapes, ensuring that every meal is a flavorful journey through its terrains.

Aso is a celebration of nature in its most primal form. It’s a place where the earth rumbles, where steam hisses from crevices, and where life thrives in the shadow of a smoldering giant. It’s a reminder of our planet’s dynamic core, of the forces that shape our world, and of the delicate balance between destruction and creation. Whether you’re gazing into the depths of a crater or savoring the bounty of the land, Aso offers an encounter with nature that’s both humbling and exhilarating.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Kamakura (Kanagawa)

Nestled between the sparkling waters of Sagami Bay and the verdant hills of Kanagawa, Kamakura is a delightful blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty. Once the de facto capital of Japan during the Kamakura Shogunate, this coastal city has retained its historical charm and continues to beckon visitors with its array of venerable temples, storied shrines, and serene landscapes. The city’s timeline, spanning centuries, is palpably felt in its cobbled streets, ancient structures, and the tales whispered by the towering trees that have stood sentinel through ages.

A significant chapter of Japan’s feudal history was written here, and its legacy manifests in the myriad architectural wonders and cultural landmarks. But beyond its illustrious past, Kamakura is also a tale of timeless beauty – of cherry blossoms painting landscapes, of the majestic Buddha casting his benevolent gaze, and of the waves serenading its sandy shores.

Kamakura temple and lantern in Japan


  1. Visiting the Kotoku-in Temple: Home to the iconic Great Buddha (Daibutsu), the Kotoku-in Temple is a must-visit pilgrimage for any traveler in Kamakura. This colossal bronze statue, standing over 11 meters tall, is not only a marvel of ancient craftsmanship but also an embodiment of serenity and introspection. Cast in the 13th century, the Daibutsu braved earthquakes and tsunamis, its tranquil expression unaltered by the tests of time. Visitors can even venture inside the statue, witnessing the intricate interior framework that supports this massive icon.
  2. Beach Strolls: Kamakura’s coastline is a delightful tapestry of sandy beaches and azure waters. Yuigahama and Zaimokuza Beaches are popular retreats, especially in the summer months. Strolling along the shoreline, with the rhythmic cadence of waves accompanying one’s thoughts, is a therapeutic experience. As the sun sets, these beaches morph into vibrant hubs, with cafes, food stalls, and surfers savoring the ocean’s embrace.
  3. Hiking in Kamakura’s Hills: The city’s hills, carpeted in dense forests and crisscrossed by ancient trails, are a hiker’s paradise. One of the most popular trails is the Daibutsu Hiking Course, connecting the Kotoku-in Temple to the Kuzuharaoka Shrine. Along the way, travelers are treated to panoramic views, secluded temples, and the serene ambiance of nature. The trail, echoing with birdsong and the whispers of ancient trees, is a journey through both nature and history.
  4. Exploring Other Temples and Shrines: Kamakura boasts a plethora of spiritual sanctuaries. The Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, with its vibrant torii gates and serene lotus ponds, stands as a testament to the city’s Shinto heritage. Engaku-ji and Kencho-ji, Zen Buddhist temples, invite contemplation with their pristine gardens, koi-filled ponds, and age-old structures.
  5. Savoring Local Delicacies: Kamakura’s culinary landscape is as diverse as its history. From traditional Japanese sweets like Hato Sable (dove-shaped cookies) to fresh seafood caught from Sagami Bay, the city offers a gastronomic journey that tantalizes the palate. Street food stalls, especially around Komachi Street, serve everything from squid ink ice cream to savory rice crackers.
  6. Bamboo Grove at Hokokuji Temple: A lesser-known gem, the Hokokuji Temple, is often referred to as the ‘Bamboo Temple’. Beyond its main hall lies a mesmerizing bamboo grove, where slender bamboo stalks soar towards the sky, creating a canopy of green. A walk here, with the sun filtering through the bamboo and the soft rustling of leaves, is a meditative experience, further enhanced by a cup of traditional matcha tea served within the temple premises.

Kamakura, with its juxtaposition of the ancient and the timeless, offers a respite from the frenetic pace of urban life. It’s a place where the past dialogues with the present, where nature intertwines with history, and where every corner, be it a temple alcove or a beachside cafe, narrates tales of bygone eras and eternal beauty.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Takayama (Gifu)

Takayama, often referred to as “Little Kyoto” due to its beautifully preserved historical streets, is a delightful town situated in the mountainous Hida region of Gifu Prefecture. Its charm is encapsulated in its old town, where narrow lanes, lined with Edo-period (1603-1868) wooden merchants’ houses, craft shops, and sake breweries, transport visitors back to a bygone era. The town’s location, ensconced amid the Japanese Alps, provides a picturesque backdrop, further accentuating its historical allure. The fusion of natural beauty with cultural richness makes Takayama an embodiment of the quintessential Japanese experience, seamlessly blending the past’s rustic elegance with nature’s serenity.

The air here carries the gentle scent of cedar, while the soundscape is a serene melody of rustling leaves, distant temple bells, and the soft murmurings of the Miyagawa River that flows gently through the town. Takayama, with its slower pace and rich tapestry of traditions, offers an escape from modern urbanity, reminding visitors of the nuanced beauty of simplicity and heritage.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube


  1. Exploring Sanmachi Street: The heart of Takayama’s historic district, Sanmachi Street, is a living museum of the Edo period. This well-preserved area consists of three narrow lanes filled with wooden buildings, sake breweries, boutiques, and cafes. Each structure, with its lattice-fronted facades and carved wooden accents, narrates tales of the town’s merchant history. As visitors meander through the lanes, they can sample local specialties, from Hida beef skewers to sake tastings offered by age-old breweries. Each step taken on the stone-paved paths is a step back in time, making Sanmachi Street an immersive historical journey.
  2. Visiting Morning Markets: Takayama’s morning markets, particularly the Jinya-mae and Miyagawa markets, are a vibrant testament to the region’s agricultural bounty. Local farmers and artisans gather every morning, offering a myriad of fresh produce, homemade pickles, crafts, and delightful snacks. The markets, with their lively ambiance and colorful displays, offer a delightful sensory experience, allowing visitors to engage with the local community and savor the region’s flavors.
  3. Hida Folk Village: A short distance from the town center lies the Hida Folk Village (Hida no Sato), an open-air museum showcasing traditional mountain farming life. Over 30 authentic gassho-zukuri (thatched-roof) farmhouses, salvaged and relocated from remote areas, dot the landscape. Each structure, with its steeply pitched roofs designed to withstand heavy snowfalls, offers insights into regional architecture and rural life. Demonstrations of traditional crafts, such as weaving and lacquer work, further enrich the experience, allowing visitors to engage with Japan’s age-old artistry.
  4. Savoring Hida Beef: Takayama is renowned for its Hida beef, a marbled delicacy that rivals Kobe beef in flavor and tenderness. Many local restaurants offer dishes showcasing this regional specialty, from succulent steaks to melt-in-the-mouth sushi. Dining in Takayama often becomes a culinary journey, where each bite resonates with the rich flavors of the Hida region.
  5. Exploring Temples and Shrines: Beyond its historic streets, Takayama is home to numerous temples and shrines, each radiating spiritual tranquillity. The Takayama Jinya, once a government house, now stands as a museum detailing the town’s administrative history. The nearby Shiroyama Park, apart from offering panoramic views of the town, is dotted with several temples and shrines, providing a tranquil setting for contemplation.
  6. Attending Takayama Festivals: If timed right, visitors can witness Takayama’s renowned festivals, held in spring and autumn. These festivals, with their ornate floats, puppet performances, and processions, are a vibrant display of the town’s cultural heritage, drawing visitors from across the globe.

source: Samuel and Audrey on YouTube

Takayama, with its juxtaposition of the historical and the natural, is more than just a destination—it’s an experience. Whether one is strolling along Sanmachi, sipping sake beneath wooden eaves, or marveling at the architectural splendor of gassho-zukuri houses, the town weaves a spell, encapsulating the soul of Japan in its cobbled paths and timbered facades.

Rural farmhouse in Japan

Tips for Traveling in Rural Japan

Public Transportation Considerations:

  • Schedules and Timing: While Japan is renowned for its punctual and efficient public transport system, rural areas may have less frequent services than metropolitan cities. It’s imperative to check schedules in advance, especially the last train or bus timings, to avoid being stranded.
  • Japan Rail Pass: For those planning to travel extensively by train, consider investing in a Japan Rail Pass. It offers unlimited travel on JR trains over consecutive days, making it economical and convenient for tourists. Note that this must be purchased before arriving in Japan.
  • Local Passes and Cards: Some regions offer their own travel passes for unlimited or discounted travel within a specific area. Researching these options can lead to savings. Additionally, IC cards like Suica and Pasmo, which are used in urban areas for seamless transactions, might be accepted in some rural transportation networks.
  • Language Barrier: While urban transport often has announcements in English, rural areas might not. Having a translation app or a phrasebook can be beneficial. Additionally, taking screenshots of your destinations in Japanese can help in asking for directions.

Etiquette and Respect for Local Traditions

Etiquette and Respect for Local Traditions:

  • Behavior at Shrines and Temples: Before entering sacred places, observe and follow local customs. This might include cleansing at a purification fountain, bowing, or refraining from loud conversations. Some areas might also require removing shoes before entering.
  • Photography: Always ask for permission before taking photos, especially in rural areas where residents might not be accustomed to tourists. Some religious sites and private properties may also have restrictions on photography.
  • Dress Appropriately: Especially when visiting religious sites, dressing modestly is appreciated. This can mean covering shoulders and wearing longer skirts or trousers.
  • Avoid Littering: Japan is known for its cleanliness, and trash bins might be rare. Always carry a small bag to keep your trash and dispose of it at your accommodation or when you find an appropriate disposal area.
  • Local Norms: Each region might have its own set of customs. For instance, in onsen (hot spring) towns, it’s common to see people walking around in yukatas (casual summer kimono). Embracing these traditions can enhance your experience.

Best Seasons to Visit Each Destination

Best Seasons to Visit Each Destination:

  • Shirakawa-go (Gifu): Best visited during winter when the gassho-style houses are blanketed in snow, creating a picturesque winter wonderland. Alternatively, autumn offers a palette of colors with the changing foliage.
  • Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa): Spring and autumn are ideal for enjoying the coastal beauty without the summer crowds or winter chills.
  • Yakushima (Kagoshima): Late spring, when the island’s rhododendrons are in bloom, or autumn, for cooler trekking conditions.
  • Nikko (Tochigi): Autumn is renowned for its brilliant fall colors, making it a popular season. However, spring offers cherry blossoms juxtaposed against historic structures.
  • Iya Valley (Tokushima) & Kiso Valley (Nagano): Both valleys are particularly stunning in autumn with their vibrant foliage. Spring is also a lovely time with fresh greenery and blooming flowers.
  • Naoshima (Kagawa): Spring and autumn are pleasant for outdoor art exploration, avoiding the summer heat and the winter chill.
  • Aso (Kumamoto): Spring, when the Aso caldera’s vast grasslands are lush and green, or autumn, when hues of brown and gold dominate the landscape.
  • Kamakura (Kanagawa) & Takayama (Gifu): Both destinations are attractive year-round. However, spring offers cherry blossoms, and autumn brings vibrant fall colors. Takayama also has its famous festivals in these seasons.

Traveling in rural Japan offers a deeper dive into the nation’s heart and soul. While it requires a bit more planning and sensitivity towards local norms, the rewards in terms of experiences and memories are unparalleled. Embrace the journey with an open heart, respect for traditions, and a genuine desire to connect, and rural Japan will unfold its wonders in myriad, unforgettable ways.

Rice fields in rural Japan are a must visit attraction

Conclusion: Rural Destinations In Japan

In an age of modern marvels and fast-paced urban life, there exists a call to the heart, a beckoning towards the simpler, quieter, and often overlooked corners of the world. Japan, known for its neon-lit streets of Tokyo and the bustling life of Osaka, also cradles within its embrace regions of pristine beauty, resonating tales of old, and landscapes that soothe the soul. These places, nestled away from the public eye and the rush of urbanity, await the discerning traveler, promising experiences unlike any other.

Rural Destinations In Japan

To journey through the Japanese countryside is to walk through the annals of time, to touch and be touched by a culture that has been centuries in the making. It’s a chance to not just see, but to feel – the subtle gust of wind through ancient cedar forests, the warmth of sunlight dappled through autumn leaves, the silent stories whispered by wooden edifices of old towns. Such travels go beyond the mere act of ‘visiting’ – they transform into profound narratives of personal discovery, of moments captured and cherished.

Japanese Countryside: Final Thoughts

Japanese Countryside: Final Thoughts

In every hidden valley, along every winding trail, beside each murmuring stream, lies an invitation. An invitation to detach from the digital screens that dominate our daily lives, to look beyond the veneer of modernity, and to connect deeply with a world that offers unadulterated authenticity. It’s here, amidst the untouched beauty of Japan’s countryside, that you find not just picturesque vistas but also pieces of yourself, rekindling a love for simplicity and nature.

But it’s not just the scenic beauty that defines the allure of rural Japan. It’s the people, the guardians of tradition, who with their heartwarming smiles and age-old customs make every interaction memorable. It’s the local festivals, where every dance step and float narrates tales of bygone eras. It’s the food, prepared with ingredients that bear the essence of the very land you tread upon, offering flavors as genuine as the hospitality with which they’re served.

And so, as the final chapter of this guide draws to its conclusion, a heartfelt entreaty remains – to venture forth into the verdant stretches of Japan’s countryside, to immerse oneself fully and without reservation. For in doing so, you unlock a treasure trove of experiences, memories that will be etched into the heart, long after the journey ends. Each footstep taken on this path not only unveils the magic of rural Japan but also reaffirms a universal truth: that sometimes, the most enchanting stories and experiences lie waiting in the most unexpected places.

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