30 Travel Photos That Will Inspire You To Visit Germany Right Now!

A couple of years ago if you asked me what country in Europe would be one of my favorite places to visit, I’m not sure Germany would have made the shortlist. Two years later – with the hindsight of having now visited Germany three times – I can say with certainty that it is one of my favorite countries in all of Europe. Why do I like it so much? In a word – diversity.

30 photos that will make you want to visit Germany
30 photos that will make you want to visit Germany

Few countries have as many fascinating cities to explore while also featuring many off-the-path destinations that are more rustic and rural. When it comes to culture and traditions Germany has a lot to offer. Whether you’re punting down the Spreewald or eating distinct regional cuisine you’ll find a new part of the country worth exploring every time you revisit. The following is a photo essay in which I attempt to encompass the top highlights from my three trips to Germany. I hope that it will inspire you not only to visit Germany but also to think about what type of adventure would best suit the travel experience you’re craving.

30 Photos that will inspire you to visit Germany

Gorgeous homes we spotted on a lovely day in Spreewald, Germany as we punted down the canals

1) Gorgeous homes we spotted on a lovely day in Spreewald, Germany as we punted down the canals.

Fascinating tall narrow German architecture in the town square of Frankfurt, Germany

2) Fascinating tall narrow German architecture in the town square of Frankfurt, Germany.

Roller-coaster ride during sunset at Europa Park in Rust, Germany

3) Roller-coaster ride during sunset at Europa Park in Rust, Germany.

Regatta in the cultural town of Wustrow, Germany located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

4) Regatta in the cultural town of Wustrow, Germany located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Views of the White Chalk cliffs in Jasmund National Park located on Ruegen Island, Germany

5) Views of the White Chalk cliffs in Jasmund National Park located on Ruegen Island, Germany.

Young man wearing sunglasses and juggling balls while sitting down in Mauerpark, in Berlin, Germany

6) Young man wearing sunglasses and juggling balls while sitting down in Mauerpark, in Berlin, Germany.

A crowd of lively German spectators cheering on participants of the Regatta in Wustrow, Germany

7) A crowd of lively German spectators cheering on participants of the Regatta in Wustrow, Germany.

Both doors of a Trabant (Former East German car) are open during this early morning shot of our e-Trabi prior to driving it around Ruegen Island, Germany

8) Both doors of a Trabant (Former East German car) are open during this early morning shot of our e-Trabi prior to driving it around Ruegen Island, Germany.

Trees become the frame of this overhead perspective shot in Freiburg, Germany on an overcast day

9) Trees become the frame of this overhead perspective shot in Freiburg, Germany on an overcast day.

Delicious Bismark Herring sandwich that is unique to the town of Stralsund, Germany located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

10) Delicious Bismark Herring sandwich that is unique to the town of Stralsund, Germany located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Cool stilt-house apartments for rent with scenic views and open door access to the water on Ruegen Island, Germany

11) Cool stilt-house apartments for rent with scenic views and open door access to the water on Ruegen Island, Germany.

A giant traditional German windmill located on the property of an open-air museum located at Freilichtmuseum Klockenhagen

12) A giant traditional German windmill located on the property of an open-air museum located at Freilichtmuseum Klockenhagen.

Deep into the forested area of Spreewald during our punting session early in the morning – Spreewald, Germany

13) Deep into the forested area of Spreewald during our punting session early in the morning – Spreewald, Germany.

A generous portion of delicious German Schnitzel (breaded pork cutlet) for lunch on a plate in Berlin, Germany

14) A generous portion of delicious German Schnitzel (breaded pork cutlet) for lunch on a plate in Berlin, Germany.

 A shot of the unique and stunning architecture that is a huge part of UNESCO Heritage in Stalsund, Germany

15) A shot of the unique and stunning architecture that is a huge part of UNESCO Heritage in Stalsund, Germany.

You can easily find this type of traditional architecture (thatched roof) in Spreewald, Germany

16) You can easily find this type of traditional architecture (thatched roof) in Spreewald, Germany.

Nothing quite like relaxing on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon at Mauerpark – Berlin, Germany

17) Nothing quite like relaxing on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon at Mauerpark – Berlin, Germany.

If you’re looking for a hearty meal while in Germany consider goulash, mashed potatoes, carrots and cranberry whipped cream

18) If you’re looking for a hearty meal while in Germany consider goulash, mashed potatoes, carrots and cranberry whipped cream.

A sassy street performer entertaining the crowds in the historic downtown area of Freiburg, Germany

19) A sassy street performer entertaining the crowds in the historic downtown area of Freiburg, Germany.

A trip to Germany is not complete without sampling local bread with generous amounts of butter slathered on top

20) A trip to Germany is not complete without sampling local bread with generous amounts of butter slathered on top.

Nothing quite like riding a bicycle in the German countryside and stopping to take shots like this – Wustrow, Germany

21) Nothing quite like riding a bicycle in the German countryside and stopping to take shots like this – Wustrow, Germany.

Penguins are a lot like cats. If you’ve got a tasty treat you have a new best friend 😉 – Spreewelten Lübbenau, Germany

22) Penguins are a lot like cats. If you’ve got a tasty treat you have a new best friend 😉 – Spreewelten Lübbenau, Germany.

Graffiti is a huge part of the travel experience in Berlin, Germany

23) Graffiti is a huge part of the travel experience in Berlin, Germany.

A generous portion of fish and a massive potato smothered in a dill cream sauce is how I like to end my evening in Germany

24) A generous portion of fish and a massive potato smothered in a dill cream sauce is how I like to end my evening in Germany.

One of the most underrated places I visited while in Germany was the village of Wustrow

25) One of the most underrated places I visited while in Germany was the village of Wustrow.

This was one of my favorite shots from visiting Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, Germany

26) This was one of my favorite shots from visiting Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, Germany.

Fancy a sword or two? How about a whole set? These are the swords used for the Störtebeker Festspiele performance on Ruegen, Island

27) Fancy a sword or two? How about a whole set? These are the swords used for the Störtebeker Festspiele performance on Ruegen, Island.

Did you know German playing cards originated in Stralsund?

28) Did you know German playing cards originated in Stralsund?

Nothing like a massive wurst on a bun to stave off hunger while roaming around Berlin, Germany

29) Nothing like a massive wurst on a bun to stave off hunger while roaming around Berlin, Germany.

Our favorite experience on our recent visit to Germany was to go punting down the Spreewald canals

30) Our favorite experience on our recent visit to Germany was to go punting down the Spreewald canals.

30 Places To Visit In Germany: Your Ultimate Bucket List

Indubitably, Germany is a treasure trove of unique places that will leave you awe-inspired. Here are 30 such destinations that are bound to captivate any traveler:

  1. The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin stands as an iconic symbol of Germany’s reunification and is a sight to behold.
  2. The Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau, nestled in the Bavarian Alps, is the epitome of architectural grandeur and served as the inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.
  3. The Berlin Wall, which once separated East and West Germany, now serves as a poignant reminder of the country’s tumultuous history.
  4. The Miniature Wonderland in Hamburg is a mind-blowing museum that showcases a meticulously crafted miniature world.
  5. The Cologne Cathedral in Cologne is a Gothic masterpiece and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  6. The Romantic Road in Bavaria takes you through charming medieval towns and picturesque countryside.
  7. The Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain, offers breathtaking views and skiing opportunities.
  8. The Black Forest in Baden-Württemberg is a fairytale landscape of dense forests and traditional cuckoo clocks.
  9. The Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden was once Hitler’s mountain retreat and offers a somber look into the nation’s dark past.
  10. The Lübeck Old Town, a well-preserved example of a medieval Hanseatic city, is a UNESCO-listed town that exudes an enchanting atmosphere.
  11. The Nuremberg Castle in Nuremberg served as a royal residence to German kings and emperors and boasts impressive architecture.
  12. The Heidelberg Castle in Heidelberg, a romantic ruin that overlooks the charming town, offers a panoramic view of the Neckar Valley.
  13. The Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam is a masterpiece of Rococo architecture and was once the summer residence of Frederick the Great.
  14. The Berchtesgaden National Park in Berchtesgaden offers a plethora of outdoor activities, including hiking and skiing, amidst awe-inspiring natural surroundings.
  15. The Harz Mountains in Lower Saxony are a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts and home to charming towns and picturesque hiking trails.
  16. The Frauenkirche in Dresden, a Baroque masterpiece that was destroyed during WWII, has been painstakingly restored to its former glory.
  17. The Speicherstadt in Hamburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a historic warehouse district that showcases Germany’s industrial heritage.
  18. The Würzburg Residence in Würzburg, a grand Baroque palace and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a true feast for the eyes.
  19. The Oktoberfest in Munich, a world-famous festival that celebrates beer and Bavarian culture, is a must-visit destination.
  20. The Romantic Rhine in Rhineland-Palatinate, a scenic river that meanders through castles and vineyards, is a romantic destination par excellence.
  21. The Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg is a popular destination for water sports and cycling, offering breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains.
  22. The Königssee in Berchtesgaden, a crystal-clear lake that is surrounded by the Bavarian Alps, is a breathtaking sight to behold.
  23. The Berlin Zoo in Berlin is a world-renowned zoo that houses a diverse array of animals, including the beloved pandas.
  24. The Porta Nigra in Trier is a marvel of ancient Roman architecture and one of the best-preserved Roman monuments in Germany.
  25. The Baden-Baden in Baden-Württemberg is a spa town that is famous for its thermal baths and luxurious hotels, making it an ideal destination for relaxation.
  26. The Zugspitze Glacier in Bavaria is a must-visit destination for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  27. The Bamberg Old Town in Bamberg, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a well-preserved medieval town that exudes a charming atmosphere.
  28. The Reichstag Building in Berlin, a historic building that houses the German parliament, is a fascinating example of contemporary architecture and offers stunning views of the city.
  29. The Museum Island in Berlin, a collection of five world-class museums, including the Pergamon Museum and the Alte Nationalgalerie, showcases a rich history of art and culture.
  30. The Saxon Switzerland National Park, located just outside of Dresden, offers a stunning landscape of rock formations, forests, and rivers, and is a great destination for hiking, rock climbing, and outdoor adventures.

In sum, Germany is a country that is bursting with unique destinations that will satisfy any traveler’s thirst for adventure, culture, and natural beauty. From medieval towns and historic landmarks to picturesque landscapes and world-renowned festivals, Germany has something to offer for everyone.

Travel Photography Tips For Visitors To Germany

Photography is an art form that enables individuals to capture the beauty of the world around them. For those traveling to Germany, there is an abundance of picturesque destinations that offer the perfect backdrop for breathtaking photographs. To make the most out of your travel photography experience, consider the following tips:

  1. Immerse yourself in research: Prior to your trip, delve into the destinations you intend to visit and the types of photographs you wish to take. Conducting research will allow you to discover unique angles, lighting conditions, and compositions that will make your photos stand out.
  2. Equip yourself with the right gear: A high-quality camera, lenses, and accessories are vital tools for capturing stunning photos. Don’t forget to bring a tripod, polarizing filter, and extra batteries and memory cards.
  3. Pay attention to lighting: The German landscape is characterized by varying weather patterns. It is essential to be mindful of lighting conditions, which can affect the overall quality of your photos. Early morning and late afternoon lighting can provide a warm and soft glow, while midday sun can be harsh and create unappealing shadows.
  4. Focus on details: While capturing major attractions is important, don’t forget to zoom in on the finer details that make Germany unique. Architecture, food, and street scenes all offer excellent opportunities for capturing memorable shots.
  5. Experiment with perspectives: Varying angles, heights, and distances can add depth and interest to your photos. Try different perspectives to capture the essence of your subject matter.
  6. Show respect for privacy: Always be considerate of people’s privacy when taking photographs. If you intend to capture shots of people, seek permission beforehand. Remember to respect cultural and religious customs when photographing religious sites or events.
  7. Edit and organize your photos: Once you have taken your photos, take the time to edit and organize them. Editing software can help you enhance the visual impact of your images by adjusting exposure, contrast, and color.

By following these tips, you can immortalize the beauty of Germany and capture unforgettable memories of your travels.

30 Inspiring Photography Locations in Germany

Here is a list of 30 inspiring photography locations in Germany:

  1. Neuschwanstein Castle – the most famous and picturesque castle in Germany, located in Bavaria
  2. Brandenburg Gate – an iconic landmark in Berlin that serves as a symbol of unity and peace
  3. Hamburg Elbphilharmonie – a stunning concert hall situated on the banks of the Elbe River
  4. Rothenburg ob der Tauber – a medieval town in Bavaria that is often considered one of the most beautiful towns in Germany
  5. Cologne Cathedral – a stunning Gothic cathedral that took over 600 years to complete
  6. Lake Konigssee – a breathtakingly beautiful lake located in the Bavarian Alps
  7. Berlin Wall – a historic monument that once divided the city of Berlin and is now a symbol of the city’s reunification
  8. Heidelberg Castle – a romantic castle located in the charming town of Heidelberg
  9. Zugspitze – Germany’s highest peak and a popular destination for winter sports and hiking
  10. Berchtesgaden National Park – a scenic park located in the Bavarian Alps that offers stunning views and outdoor activities
  11. Nuremberg Castle – a medieval castle located in the heart of Nuremberg
  12. Frauenkirche Dresden – a beautiful Baroque church in Dresden that was rebuilt after its destruction in World War II
  13. Bamberg Old Town – a charming medieval town that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  14. Lübeck Old Town – a picturesque town that is known for its historic buildings and delicious marzipan
  15. Saxon Switzerland National Park – a beautiful park located near Dresden that is known for its stunning rock formations and outdoor activities
  16. Sanssouci Palace – a beautiful palace located in Potsdam that was once the summer residence of the Prussian kings
  17. Herrenchiemsee Palace – a beautiful palace located on an island in Lake Chiemsee that was inspired by the Palace of Versailles
  18. Bastei Bridge – a stunning bridge that offers panoramic views of the Elbe River and surrounding sandstone cliffs
  19. Holstentor – a medieval gate located in Lübeck that serves as a symbol of the city’s rich history
  20. Wartburg Castle – a medieval castle located in Eisenach that is associated with Martin Luther and the German Reformation
  21. Heidelberg Old Bridge – a beautiful bridge located in Heidelberg that offers stunning views of the castle and Old Town
  22. Zugspitze Cable Car – a thrilling cable car ride that offers panoramic views of the Bavarian Alps
  23. Lake Chiemsee – a beautiful lake located in Bavaria that is known for its picturesque islands and stunning scenery
  24. Marienplatz – a central square in Munich that is known for its famous Glockenspiel clock tower
  25. Romantic Road – a scenic route that runs through several picturesque towns in Bavaria
  26. Black Forest – a beautiful forested region located in southwestern Germany that is known for its scenic drives and outdoor activities
  27. Frankfurt Skyline – a modern skyline that features some of Germany’s tallest skyscrapers
  28. The Berlin Holocaust Memorial – a powerful and moving tribute to the victims of the Holocaust
  29. Zugspitze Glacier – a stunning glacier that is located at the summit of Zugspitze and offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains
  30. Munich Hofbräuhaus – a famous beer hall in Munich that is known for its lively atmosphere and traditional German food and drink.

Final Thoughts: Visit Germany Soon!

A trip to Germany offers visitors and photographers an opportunity of a lifetime!

You’ll find a fascinating mix of urban scenes, rural adventures and unique cultural opportunities to tickle your every fancy.

Have you visited Germany before? Is it a country you’re itching to visit? What are your some of your favorite regions and/or food/culture related things to do in Germany? 

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  1. says: Nevin John

    OMG. Photos are really awesome. I’ve visited Germany 1 year before. But able to stay there only 2 days. Next time I’ll definitely roam Germany maximum as possible.

  2. Germany is surely a wonderful travel destination with so many wonderful things to do and see. Unfortunately, I am yet to visit Germany. Surely these 30 photos of yours will inspire me to plan a trip to Germany in 2016….awesome photography skills 🙂
    I feel lucky to land on your blog this morning,…

  3. says: Buna Treks Nepal

    Thank you author for this amazing post. Indeed, we the Nepalese likes Germany and Germans. German always has helped Nepal in any situation. I would prefer to visit these amazing places of Germany at least one time.

  4. Like you, I don´t place among the countries of Europe to visit. But seeing your photos and places, I became interested. I have a friend who lives in Germany, maybe I can go visit it. Thank you for sharing.

  5. says: Stella

    Hello Sam, I will agree with you that Germany is one of the great country in Europe. The ambiance of the place is great to live. I also wanted to experience the roller-coaster ride during sunset at Europa Park, what a nice feeling to enjoy.

  6. says: Maria

    Wonderful pictures. I had always the desire to visit Germany. Now with all these pictures my desire increased a lot. Thanks

  7. I like small towns and villages more than those big ones in Germany. Visiting Germany is great especially during the Christmas time when all the small or bigger towns are featured with amazing Christmas markets! Personally I would recommend Bayreuth! I’ve been there several times.

  8. says: Jesicah Abna

    Yea Germany is indeed underrated, the country is encompassed with lots of beautiful sites that sometimes you will think you are in another planet. one of my favorite site i would love to visit is the beautiful mountainous region of Berchtesgaden Alps.A friend of mine who went with a family on a vacation came with lots of pictures and stories about the place that i can’t stop fantasizing myself there.

  9. says: sravs

    Amazing pics nice stuff.. After seeing these pics i want to visit germany..Specially i like the traditional architecture (thatched roof) in Spreewald, Germany and German windmill. If i will get a chance to visit germany surely i will visit these beautiful places.

  10. Wow….Its just an awesome collection of pics which can inspire anyone to explore Germany once in life time. I would love to visit Germany once for sure. I have heard of Traditional German Schnitzel a lot and would love to have it. It looks so delicious that I just cant bear it without having.

  11. says: anna

    I love looking at all your photo essays! I feel that photos, especially well taken ones can really convey the feeling of a place! I was only able to go around Berlin so the next time we’re in Europe, I am looking forward to exploring Germany more.

  12. says: Frank

    Germany is so underrated, it’s one of our favorite countries. On our latest trip we went to Dresden. Just a spectacular place with incredible highlights in a very small area. Who ever talks of Dresden? Yet it is one of very many beautiful cities in Germany.
    And people seem to have stereotypes in their heads about Germans. They’re very friendly, curious, and very willing to engage. We love the Germans.
    Frank (bbqboy)

  13. says: Arianwen

    Yep, that worked! I’ve spent a shamefully small amount of time in Germany for a UK resident. I’ve only seen a small section of the Black Forest and passed through Sankt Goar, which noone seems to have heard of! Time to go back I think!