15 Travel Portraits From Around The World: Inspiring Photo Essay!

While I love taking pictures of landscapes, which are often the only unspoiled part of a country— cities and villages make me feel more active and engaged while on the road. Nature offers us soothing peace and physical challenges, but cities test your social skills in an entirely new way— with people.

Taking photographs of people reveals a lot not only about foreign cultures and people, but it can also teach us a lot about how to approach a stranger, how to have a conversation, and how to overcome prejudices we may carry with us on the road.

This is a collection of photos of people who caught my eye, whose stories and life conditions were touching, and whom I’d like to introduce you… through photos.

The following photo essay is from Gianni and Ivana, two travel bloggers I had the pleasure of connecting with in Chiang Mai, Thailand…

15 travel portraits from around the world

15 Portraits from around the world

This couple chatting in Ouarzazate, Morocco, is a beautiful symbol of two quintessential images of the Sahara desert that stretches behind the city.

  1. Ouarzazate, Morocco

This couple chatting in Ouarzazate, Morocco, is a beautiful symbol of two quintessential images of the Sahara desert that stretches behind the city. The desert has a stillness that listens to your voice and a wisdom that comes to you through words in the wind.

A local deeply concentrated in his early morning prayer to a Buddhist monk during the alms giving ritual, on the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

A local deeply concentrated in his early morning prayer to a Buddhist monk during the alms giving ritual, on the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This is a local believer during a Sunday mass we attended in Pandan, a tiny village in the Philippines.

  1. Pandan, Philippines

Devotion, hope for salvation, and a strong faith are remarkable in the Philippines. This is a local believer during a Sunday mass we attended in Pandan, a tiny village in the Philippines.

An intently focused mechanic in his workshop kingdom in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where everything’s in order.

  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

An intently focused mechanic in his workshop kingdom in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where everything’s in order.

When the eye of a camera meets human eyes. Two young girls riding a scooter in the almost deserted southern tip of Koh Lanta, Thailand.

  1. Koh Lanta, Thailand

When the eye of a camera meets human eyes. Two young girls riding a scooter in the almost deserted southern tip of Koh Lanta, Thailand.

The more remote places in the world you visit, the more beautiful girls you meet. Kaylen, a 14-year-old girl in Roxas, Philippines looking shyly at her father trying to seek his approval to pose for me.

  1. Roxas, Philippines

The more remote places in the world you visit, the more beautiful girls you meet. Kaylen, a 14-year-old girl in Roxas, Philippines looking shyly at her father trying to seek his approval to pose for me. I’m glad he agreed.

Morning mist mingles with the smoke of incense in the early morning in Ubud, Indonesia.

  1. Ubud, Indonesia

Morning mist mingles with the smoke of incense in the early morning in Ubud, Indonesia. Here, brightly coloured petals of flowers decorate Hindu altars all through the day.

Three generations of fishermen during lambaklad fishing in Tibiao, Philippines, where they use an enormous, stationary fish trap that is the biggest in the country!

  1. Tibiao, Philippines

Three generations of fishermen during lambaklad fishing in Tibiao, Philippines, where they use an enormous, stationary fish trap that is the biggest in the country!

Say Cheese! This is quite a common sight in Chiang Mai, Thailand, nowadays. Buddhist monks carry and buy electronic devices following the same trends as all of us.

  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

Say Cheese! This is quite a common sight in Chiang Mai, Thailand, nowadays. Buddhist monks carry and buy electronic devices following the same trends as all of us.

Filipino kids don’t need too much to have fun. These are jolly children at the port in Iloilo, Philippines on a hot sunny day.

  1. Iloilo, Philippines

Filipino kids don’t need too much to have fun. These are jolly children at the port in Iloilo, Philippines on a hot sunny day.

Basketball in the Philippines: anywhere and anytime. You can find a basketball court in every single town and village here, where usually a lot of improvisation is involved in constructing the court.

  1. Tibiao, Philippines

Basketball in the Philippines: anywhere and anytime. You can find a basketball court in every single town and village here, where usually a lot of improvisation is involved in constructing the court.

A four-leg guardian and a banana vendor make a great-synchronized couple at the market in Chiang Mai, Thailand: while one rests, the other takes care of the customers.

  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

A four-leg guardian and a banana vendor make a great-synchronized couple at the market in Chiang Mai, Thailand: while one rests, the other takes care of the customers.

If you never enter, you’ll never know. A unique trattoria (local restaurant) in the center of Rome, Italy with a few, yet original traditional dishes on the menu.

  1. Rome, Italy

If you never enter, you’ll never know. A unique trattoria (local restaurant) in the center of Rome, Italy with a few, yet original traditional dishes on the menu.

Mykhaylo, a local in Kolochava, Ukraine was on the way home from the field where he collected apples to store for a harsh winter in the mountains. He was over 80 years old, yet blessed with a witty smile and full of jokes.

  1. Carpathian mountains, Ukraine

Mykhaylo, a local in Kolochava, Ukraine was on the way home from the field where he collected apples to store for a harsh winter in the mountains. He was over 80 years old, yet blessed with a witty smile and full of jokes.

Serhiy, a lumberjack of the Carpathian Mountains in action. His work is one that is precise and demands thoughtfulness, decisiveness and… physical strength. His job extends far beyond counting the trees he cuts.

  1. Nyzhniy Bystryy, Ukraine

Serhiy, a lumberjack of the Carpathian Mountains in action. His work is one that is precise and demands thoughtfulness, decisiveness and… physical strength. His job extends far beyond counting the trees he cuts.

Gianni Bianchini is the photographer and male half of the travel blog Nomad is Beautiful. More photos can be seen in his portfolio and Instagram.

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  1. says: Kevin Kato

    I’m with Samuel, shots of landscape and nature have their worth, but capturing that fluid moment is priceless – and an art, these images are fantastic, great stuff Gianni and Ivana!

  2. Pictures really speak louder than words. That monk with the camera made my day. I strongly believe that Buddhist Monk are among the funniest and most cheerful people in the world.

  3. says: King Epic

    Fantastic pictures and a great way of capturing your life experiences! I can only image what it will feel like going over posts like these in a couple of years.

  4. says: noel

    I love incorporating figures or portraits into a photograph also, they really put life and perspective into the environment, beautiful captures.

  5. says: Kerry (Goodtrippers)

    Love the Moroccan picture – beautiful colours! Just love glimpses of life around the world in these pics

  6. says: Camelia

    Amazing collection. Good job, each picture has a special meaning, and very comprehensive. I am waiting for your next article.

  7. says: Catherine

    What beautiful photos! I especially love the one of the two women of the motorbike! Would love to take more photos of people, but normally chicken out of asking them/feel too rude snapping away without asking them!

  8. says: Mima Isono

    Great pictures around the world. I love no 9 picture, a monk with Nikon. Most of Thai prefer Canon over any other camera because many years His Majesty King use Canon taking great pictures.

    I think picture no 2 (mechanic) and no 4 (local praying to a Buddhist monk) is switched. Sorry if I got it wrong

  9. says: JB & Renee

    Gorgeous pictures! Happy to see many from my home country of the Philippines. I hope you enjoyed your visit? So true about the Filipino love for basketball. We can make hoops out of anything! The funniest one I ever saw was an old toilet seat turned into a makeshift rim. 🙂 Best of luck to you and your travels!

  10. says: Jay Zee

    No. 11 Tibiao, Philippines – that’s what you call cross-country/trail basketball 🙂 Love photo No. 8 – makes me wonder how the raft takes the pulling tension.

  11. says: Gianni

    Thanks a lot for liking our photos and commenting. We really appreciate. And thanks to Samuel for giving us the chance to publish these photos here. 🙂