Teaching And Blogging: The Life Of A Bleacher Revealed

We’ve been blogging and teaching now for a year and it has been an amazing journey. We’ve moulded two lifestyles into one and we call it “bleaching”.

We recommend that more people become bleachers and here’s why!

How To Become A Bleacher

For us, bleaching is a segway into the ultimate lifestyle of pure blogging, but for many it could be the perfect longterm career. We enjoy teaching English in China so much that it will be hard to give it up. Many people around the world are now teaching English and blogging about it. Teaching has become a digital nomad’s hobby and extra income earner.

We spend 20 hours a week in front of a class and 30 more in front of a computer screen. We’ve learned a lot about both jobs and we have found a great balance in our lives.

Today’s post comes from Goats on The Road who are about to embark on exciting journey through Central Asia.

Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging In Our Office
Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging In Our Office

Working On The Blog At Home

We work mostly in the afternoon, so our days always start with a nice cup of coffee and a little bit of music. We talk about the plan for the day both in our classes and on our laptops. We then move from the couch to the “office” (our kitchen table) and begin a shift of blogging.

We usually write posts, update social media, connect with other bloggers and work on SEO on our site for about 5 hours before stopping for lunch. We then move away from the computer and make lunch. After lunch we usually go out for a few hours. Some days we meet up with friends. Some days we just take a nice walk around our beautiful city of Yangzhou, China, before getting ready for our evening class.

Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging At A Promotion In China
Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging At A Promotion In China

Teaching English In China

We then go to school for 2 hours where we teach our adorable students. Our minds are completely in “school mode” and we play games and teach new grammar points to our classes. Sometimes we teach in class while other times we teach at promotions in front of a crowd.

Teaching has enabled us to really spend more time on our website, while completely enjoying our “real jobs”.

Teaching And Blogging

At home we worked between 50 – 80 hours / week and had absolutely no time to work online while we were saving money for our next trip.

Teaching in China not only pays enough ($1500 per month/person) for any budget traveller to save money, but it also gives us a ton of extra time to work on our online business. We work between 16-20 hours per week teaching, so even with all the hours spent on our website, we still have plenty of time for exploring China.

Teaching By The Numbers:

Hours/week: 16 – 20

Salary: ¥9000 ($1465/person)

Housing, bills, going out, beers & living well: ¥3400 ($570/person)


Monthly Savings: ¥5480 ($895) / person

That means that after a 1 year contract in China you should have over $10,000! That’s enough to travel for 5 – 10 months depending on your travel style and choice of destinations.

Add potential blog earnings to that and you’ve got yourself some hefty savings! But how much is your blog worth? The chart below outlines vague monetization potential of the average blog:

Blogging By The Numbers:

Making Money From Your Blog


Monthly Income: $0 – $7,500+

Remember… you’re only teaching 16-20 hours/week. This means that you can still travel around China while you’re working because your online business is completely mobile!

Since we started working here we’ve travelled to Shanghai, Hong Kong, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and more. We’ve met a ton of new friends both local and foreign and have learned some amazing new skills (like making dumplings).

Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging While Making Dumplings With Our Chinese Friends
Goats On The Road Teaching And Blogging While Making Dumplings With Our Chinese Friends

So if you’re a blogger and you want to find the perfect job to travel, explore and build your online business… then consider teaching English.

China has a plethora of excellent job opportunities and you don’t necessarily need a degree or CELTA to find a job! The pay is great and living expenses are very low (especially outside of the big cities).

So what are you waiting for?! It’s time to leave the 9-5 and explore a world of freedom and opportunities! If you need some inspiration or someone to help you through the steps, check out our website in the bio below.

We’ve got plenty of tips and information on how to sustain a life of travel, fun and adventure while never being stuck in a cubicle.

**A Note From The Goats: In 2 days we are packing up our lives here in China and taking off on a 5 month backpacking journey! We will be camping, trekking, fishing and exploring Mongolia, Central Asia and Iran. Follow our adventure for tips, photos, videos and cool stories from this off-the-beaten-path region. We look forward to having you along for the ride!

About The Authors:

Nick & Dariece Avatar

Nick & Dariece have left everything behind in search of cultural experiences, beautiful beaches and off the beaten path adventures. They call themselves Goats On The Road and their website for independent and off the beaten path travel encourages others to pack their bags and leave the ordinary behind. Visit Goats On The Road and get excellent tips for the adventurous traveler!

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!



10 Tips On How To Blog and Work A Regular Job At The Same Time

In today’s fast-paced world, managing a successful blog while holding down a regular job is no easy feat. It requires a significant amount of discipline, planning, and dedication. The following ten tips aim to assist bloggers in striking a balance between their job and their blog.

Firstly, it is imperative to schedule specific times during the week to dedicate to the blog. This could mean setting aside time before work, after work, or on the weekends, depending on the individual’s availability. The key here is to be consistent and ensure that the blogging schedule fits within the individual’s existing routine.

Secondly, planning ahead is crucial. Creating an editorial calendar for the blog can aid in organizing content in advance, making it easier to stay on track and avoid any last-minute scrambling. This can also be helpful in maintaining a consistent flow of content and ensuring that there is always something new for readers.

Thirdly, prioritizing tasks is crucial. Making a list of the most important tasks, such as writing new posts, responding to comments, and promoting content on social media, can help the blogger focus on the most important aspects of the blog and make progress towards their goals.

Fourthly, bloggers can take advantage of their lunch breaks to work on their blog. This can be a great opportunity to catch up on smaller tasks, such as responding to comments or planning out future posts.

Fifthly, bloggers can automate some aspects of their blogging process using tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools enable bloggers to schedule social media posts in advance, saving time and ensuring that content is being shared consistently across various platforms.

Sixthly, outsourcing some of the blog-related tasks, such as graphic design or social media management, can be a useful option for bloggers with a budget. This can free up time for the blogger to focus on the most critical aspects of their blog.

Seventhly, setting realistic goals is essential. It is important not to put too much pressure on oneself to produce a specific amount of content each week. Setting achievable goals can ensure that the blogger is making steady progress towards their objectives without becoming overwhelmed.

Eighthly, weekends can be a valuable time for bloggers to work on their blog, given the additional free time available. This could include writing posts, taking photos, or brainstorming new ideas.

Ninthly, staying organized is critical for bloggers. Using project management tools such as Trello or Asana can assist in keeping track of tasks and deadlines, making it easier to stay on top of everything.

Finally, it is important to remain flexible. Not everything always goes according to plan, and it is essential to be willing to adjust schedules when necessary. Missing a deadline or having a slow week should not be a reason for giving up. Instead, bloggers should remain focused on moving forward and continuing to produce quality content for their readers.

How To Transition From A Regular Job To Full-Time Digital Nomad

Transitioning from a regular job to becoming a full-time digital nomad can be an exciting and life-changing experience. However, it can also be a daunting task that requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some additional tips to help make the transition smoother and more successful:

  1. Define your goals: Defining your goals is crucial for planning your transition to becoming a digital nomad. Consider what kind of work you want to do, where you want to travel, and what kind of lifestyle you want to lead. Ask yourself questions like: Do you want to work in a specific field, such as writing, web development, or digital marketing? Do you want to travel to certain destinations or regions? Do you want to work remotely full-time or part-time? By understanding your goals, you can develop a plan that aligns with your vision.
  2. Build your skills: Building your skills is an important step in becoming a successful digital nomad. Consider taking courses or workshops to develop the skills you need for remote work. For example, if you want to work in web development, you might take courses in HTML, CSS, or Javascript. If you want to work in writing or digital marketing, you might take courses in content creation, SEO, or social media marketing. Building a portfolio that showcases your skills and experience can also be beneficial in finding work as a digital nomad.
  3. Save money: Saving money is crucial when transitioning to becoming a digital nomad. Before you quit your job, aim to save enough money to cover your living expenses for at least 6-12 months. This will give you time to build your business or find work as a freelancer without worrying about finances. You can also consider working part-time or freelancing while you’re still in your regular job to build up your savings.
  4. Start small: Starting small is a good way to test the waters and build your experience as a digital nomad. Consider freelancing or working part-time in your field while you’re still in your regular job. This can help you build your skills, develop a client base, and gain experience working remotely. As you build your skills and experience, you can gradually transition to working full-time as a digital nomad.
  5. Build a network: Building a network is important for finding work and support as a digital nomad. Join online communities, attend conferences and events, and connect with other digital nomads in your field. Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can also be valuable for building your network and finding new opportunities.
  6. Choose your destination wisely: Choosing your destination wisely can have a big impact on your success as a digital nomad. Consider factors like cost of living, internet connectivity, and safety when choosing your destination. Many digital nomads choose to travel to destinations like Bali, Chiang Mai, or Lisbon, which offer a low cost of living, good internet connectivity, and a supportive community of digital nomads.
  7. Create a routine: Creating a routine can help you stay productive and focused as a digital nomad. Consider setting specific times for work, exercise, and relaxation, and stick to a consistent schedule. This can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

Transitioning from a regular job to becoming a digital nomad requires careful planning and preparation. By defining your goals, building your skills, saving money, starting small, building a network, choosing your destination wisely, and creating a routine, you can make the transition smoother and more successful. With determination, hard work, and a willingness to take risks, you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of being a digital nomad.

Benefits Of Being A Digital Nomad

In recent years, the lifestyle of a digital nomad has become increasingly popular among people who enjoy a sense of freedom and flexibility. This lifestyle has been made possible by the advancements in technology, which have enabled people to work from anywhere in the world as long as they have a laptop and an internet connection.

One of the most significant benefits of being a digital nomad is the flexibility it offers. As a digital nomad, you can work from anywhere in the world, allowing you to travel and explore new places while still earning a living. This means that you can create your own schedule and work at your own pace, leading to a better work-life balance.

Another advantage of being a digital nomad is the variety it offers. By traveling and working in different parts of the world, you can experience a wide range of cultures, people, and environments. This variety can be stimulating and rewarding, helping you avoid boredom and burnout. You can gain new perspectives, learn new skills, and broaden your horizons.

Being a digital nomad can also be a cost-effective way to live, depending on where you travel. You can choose to live in places with a lower cost of living, which can mean lower rent, food, and transportation costs. This can help you save money and stretch your budget further.

Another significant benefit of being a digital nomad is the networking opportunities it offers. You can attend conferences, networking events, and meetups in different parts of the world, allowing you to connect with other professionals and potential clients. This can lead to new business opportunities and collaborations.

Finally, being a digital nomad can be an excellent way to challenge yourself and grow as a person. By traveling to new places, adapting to new cultures, and working in different environments, you can develop new skills and gain valuable life experiences. This personal growth can lead to increased confidence, resilience, and adaptability.

While being a digital nomad is not without its challenges, such as the need for self-discipline and the potential isolation from a stable community, the benefits it offers can make it a worthwhile lifestyle choice for those who seek adventure, flexibility, and personal growth.

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  1. says: Carmen

    Wow, what an insight into teaching in China! I really didn’t think you made that much money. Really makes me want us to do it next year when we travel Asia – we might be a little low on cash by that point!

  2. says: Mo Draj

    Great article and very inspiring. Teaching English is one of the most recommended jobs for every traveller and yet I might try and keep that in mind for the near future. Thanks for the post.

  3. says: Gold Price

    Given that China is such a large country, long-distance trains and buses are crowded and usually have extensive routes. If time is an issue and money is not a concern, an ESL teacher can travel to most areas of China via airplane. There are over 500 airports in China, all of varying sizes and each offering different services. Many of these airports are small and only offer domestic flights, but some do offer international flights.

  4. says: jasmine

    hey goats on the road!!
    Love the name !
    Came across your blog from nomadic sams blog (which i decided to follow because i love ‘that backpacker’ audreys blog 🙂 (now i love all three blogs !)
    Have been teaching in thailand and travelling through s.e.asia, (just not blogging – a lot of photos tho!) – China sounds great for teaching . Can’t wait to read through more of your blog posts 🙂

  5. I haven’t yet taught English but I plan to start shortly here in Malaysia. Once one gets the hang of traveling on a budget, it’s easy to live for cheap and there are so many different ways to cover your expenses.

    Currently I’m working as a website designer, a blogger, a fire performer and a writer (and soon a teacher). It keeps me busy, entertained and loving life. I couldn’t imaging life any other way.

  6. says: noel

    That was a great post, I loved how the authors break down the actual earnings to their expenses and what they can save. It Asia that goes far so you can actually travel to many destinations. These guys did an excellent job.

  7. I’ve never considered teaching during my travels but it appears to be such a great way to really immerse yourself in the local culture. Love that you’re finding it so rewarding. Life should be filled with experiences that offer us insight into new cultures and lifestyles.

  8. says: Tim Moon

    China sounds like a great place to be. Also, with all that free time it works well for entrepreneurs who are starting a business other than blogging (like sourcing, importing, etc.). The guys at The Elevator Life did that to bootstrap their business. I’m teaching in Korea this year to do the same thing – save money, travel and write. Who knows where I’ll be next year but China is certainly under consideration.

    1. Hey Tim,
      Good for you. there are lots of things you can do with the extra time while teaching. I would definitely recommend China, we had an excellent time there.
      Safe travels!
      PS. checked out the comment luv post, we’d love to do that drive one day. Looks EPIC!

      1. says: Tim Moon

        Thanks Nick. It was a pretty cool drive. I’d recommend doing it closer to the summer or earlier fall. My drive was early September and it was cloudy and rainy most of them which obscured a lot of the scenery. If I ever drive it again, I’ll take my time too. I was sort of rushed last time.

  9. says: Vid

    Aah!!! The Goats 🙂

    Lovely couple, inspirational travelers. What they say in this post is so true: work, save, travel. Repeat. I am sure this lifestyle has its share of troubles and annoyances, but I feel the end result, the travelling, is totally worth it 🙂

    Nick, Dariece: Looking forward to reading all about your adventures – we have never been to this region so will definitely pick your brains when you are back.

  10. Its really interesting how Blogging has become a lifestyle that one can restructure they’re life around. Passion projects have always been there for musos, artists and entrepreneurs but now everyone has a gateway to “living the dream” with a blog.
    Its really a two-fer. You strive for what you want: Novelty, an interesting job or place to make a life, travel. Write about it for your own posterity and help inspire others. Of course like other passion projects, the making money part is difficult and takes real dedication. No shortcuts. But the process in itself I’ve found to be the reward.

    1. Hey, thanks for the comment! Ya we agree, making money is the hard part but there’s a ton of resources online that can help. We’ve found Nomadic Samuel to be a great help in monetizing our site. It’s cool to know someone who’s been there and done that. Mentoring always helps new businesses grow.

  11. says: Sam

    I love the term ‘bleacher’ and wish I’d known about it earlier! Before leaving to travel around South America with my partner, I was teaching English in Europe (Austria, mostly, then Spain), and was also typically teaching around 20 to 25 hours a week, so I would’ve easily had time to start blogging as well! Oh well…coulda, woulda, shoulda, eh?!

  12. says: jennifer

    I plan on doing this in a few years. I love the idea of making less money annually and seeing more of the world than I ever could with making more money while stuck at a desk.

  13. says: Jeremy

    Interesting. A lot depends on your contract, though. I got roped into what I’m now realizing, more and more, was NOT a good one! I spent six months teaching English in Xi’an (left a month ago, currently in Beijing) and my schedule was nowhere as cushy as this one, nor was the pay grade. It was a rewarding and fulfilling experience, no doubt, but I’m realizing that I could have walked away with a lot more than I actually did.

    1. Hey Jeremy,
      We’ve heard of these horror stories and sorry to hear that you are one of them. There are some bad contracts to watch out for and they’re hard to stop. Hopefully it doesn’t keep you from trying again. Try Shane English, they’re a great school to work for.

  14. Interesting though. I used to teach english to korean students based in the philippines, but the pay is nowhere near to what it pays “white guys.” no matter how spot on my written and spoken english is, there will always be that prejudice against non-western looking people.
    Even a friend of mine who was American by citizenship but Filipino by ancestry was able to find a teaching job abroad, however, her pay is significantly lower than her lucky-to-be-white colleagues.
    I’m not bitching or anything, just stating something that happens. LOL. It’s more word vomit, if anything.

    awesome post!

    btw, samuel, ive been stalking your korea videos– we are headed there this fall and all the videos are awesome! 😀

    1. Hey Eileen, We totally agree with you. It’s not fair how much “white” comes into play when applying for teaching jobs. Some native English speakers who come from Asian families have had a hard time finding work, simply because they don’t “look” the part. It’s unfair for sure. Our school had promotions where we just simply went to the mall or other schools and handed out fliers, simply being a foreigner drew a crowd and from there the school was able to gain new customers.
      Hopefully schools will realize that good teachers don’t always HAVE to look like foreigners. Everyone should be paid the same and get the same opportunities so long as they’re equally qualified. Hopefully things will get better in the future.
      Cheers for the comment.

  15. Yeah, sound so interesting and amazing, how you can live free by following your passion and you get paid for do that!

    But it’s difficult for me right now. I’m still a college student, that not have enough money to travel around, and make a lot of funny and awesome story in my blog. SO, it’s difficult too, make money from blogging. Don’t have enough visitor to money blogging.

    But I believe, someday, I can do that “bleach”, go traveling all around Indonesia, and then, all around the world.

    Thanks for share that tips and story. 😀

    1. Hey Dimas,
      thanks for the comment. Visitors will come with time. You can still bleach without making any money, as long as you’re enjoying it. Make money from teaching while blogging for fun and eventually things will fall into place. They did for us!

      1. It’s a honour for me too you can reply my comment.
        Yeah, my blog growing up, right now. Hope someday I can manage it more professional, so visitor will coming.

        That’s what I do right now. Bleach, enjoying write down my travel story, share with others. I’ve got pleasure when someone respect, comment my story.

  16. says: zoomingjapan

    Very interesting!
    I also like the term “bleacher”.
    I guess I’m more a “teagger” as I teach more hours than I blog.

    I totally can relate to what you wrote.
    I’ve been an English teacher in Japan for 6 years now.
    I used the time to travel all over Japan and I’ve been almost everywhere.

    I do blog about my trips, but as I work 40h+ per week, I don’t get to blog as much as I want to.

    I could certainly make about the same amount you do with teaching only 20h+ here in Japan, but the cost of living is more expensive here compared to China.

    I also make no money with my blog (yet), so I have to depend on the money I earn with teaching – and I spend a lot of money when traveling in Japan.

    A very inspiring story – and that’s what I’d like to do in the future as well.

    1. Hey, Thanks for the comment. We’d LOVE to teach in Japan! Working 40hrs / week there must give you plenty of travel savings. I thought teachers made considerably more there no?
      Keep working on the blog and monetization will come, have you checked out Nomadic Samuel’s bloggers tips section? Helped us out a ton.

      1. says: zoomingjapan

        The standard salary for most English teaching gigs is 250.000 yen which currently is about 2500$US before taxes.
        Being from Germany I really can’t complain about it. Our taxes are so high, that it would be difficult to make as much back home AND travel a lot.

        Yes, I checked them out.
        I just hope that one day I can earn some money with my blog as well! 🙂

        1. says: Maya

          Hi, I’m just wondering trying to do the same..how did you find a teaching job when you are not a native speaker? Seems to be difficult for me. Thanks and enjoy Japan!

  17. Great post!! I love the balance you have struck. I wish we could have done something similar here in Taiwan, but instead we decided to teach as many hours as we could to save more money. I would love to try teaching again but on more of a part-time basis I think 🙂 It is just so easy to burn out!

    1. Hey Casey,
      Funny, we were thinking next time we want to be MORE part time. Well, at least a shorter contract. We loved it but the itchy feet came back after 6 months. Maybe a 6 month contract next time! (teaching is exhausting)

  18. says: Kevin

    Nick & Dariece,
    BLEACHER. Your story is a mirror image of mine (except I live and teach in Thailand). I teach 20 hours per week, and when I’m not in the classroom, I’m blogging. It’s that simple. It’s the perfect job to maintain yourself while abroad and it provides for some pretty interesting classroom stories.
    Teaching ESL is also a source of writing inspiration. I’ve written stories that were a result of my experiences in the classroom, and they’ve been some of my best. Great post, and way to combine two of my most defining words into one.

    1. Hey Kevin,
      We agree, love teaching! Also working with locals helps to get a better understanding of the culture. You’re right, it makes for some great stories… maybe that’s my next post “Hilarious Stories From The Classroom”.