My Favorite Modes Of Transportation While Traveling

For many travellers the process of getting from point A to B is cumbersome.  Maybe I have a few too many loose screws, but for me personally, it’s one of the true joys of travel.  I absolutely love being on the road and the physical act of moving from place to place is something I derive immense pleasure from.  Over the years I’ve discovered that I have certain fondness for certain modes of transportation over others.  The following are my favorite two ways of getting around.

My favorite modes of transportation while traveling overseas
My favorite modes of transportation while traveling overseas

My Favourite Modes Of Transportation

A gorgeous sunset while traveling by train in India
A gorgeous sunset while traveling by train in India


Traveling by train is hands down my favorite mode of transportation.  If I only had to pick one way to travel for the rest of my life (excluding everything else) I would immediately without the slightest sense of hesitation choose to travel by train.  All of my favorite journeys have been via rail.  No train journey has been as monumental as the one I took across India back in 2010.  The video below captures some of my favorite clips (including many high speed sequences) from my entire circuit, and to this day, remains one of the most popular youtube videos I’ve ever created:

[vsw id=”OXI6-TQBloU” source=”youtube” width=”800″ height=”650″ autoplay=”no”]

When I’m travelling by train, my eyes are often glued to what is going on outside of the window.  On any given day, I might witness a magnificent sunrise; pass through a slum; get off at a local station to indulge my taste buds; or strike up conversation with a fellow passenger.  When I’m not looking out the window I’m often at my creative best – which often manifest itself in the form of the creation of blog posts, video and photo editing or total indulgence in a book I’m reading.  I love the constant steady motion of the train and the noise it creates rattling along the tracks.  While on board a train, it’s one of the few times I can actually get restful sleep.  When traveling by plane I rarely can doze off.  While on the train I can sleep through the night without any problems.  I just feel that relaxed and comfortable.

A family of four on a moped in Saigon, Vietnam is a typical transportation scene
A family of four on a moped in Saigon, Vietnam is a typical transportation scene


The freedom to roam around a city or countryside on my own terms is something I constantly crave.  Being at the mercy of bus schedules and routes, tuk-tuk and taxi drivers who aren’t always looking out for my best interests or physically walking from place to place can often cause a lot of physical and mental wear and tear over time.  Whenever possible I like to hop on a moped and scoot around town with no limitations   I find it exciting to weave in and out of traffic and maneuver my way through certain back-roads and alleys that are otherwise off-limits to larger vehicles.  One thing I’m extremely cautious about revolves around making sure I have excellent insurance, such as purchasing moped insurance from Swinton to cover all of my little jaunts around town.  One of my favorite places to ride a moped is in Saigon where chaos reigns supreme.

Although I often take planes and buses to get around they’re rarely my method of choice.  How about you?  I’d love to hear your favorite ways of getting around.

Other Modes Of Transportation For Travelers

When it comes to traveling, transportation is an essential factor to consider, and while trains and mopeds may be popular options, there are plenty of other modes of transportation available that can provide an equally enriching and exciting experience.

One mode of transportation that has gained popularity in recent years is cycling. Renting a bicycle provides travelers with a fun, environmentally friendly, and active way to explore a new city or region. Many cities have established bike-sharing programs or rental shops, making it easy to rent a bike and embark on a self-guided adventure.

For those who prefer public transportation, cities around the world offer buses, trams, and subways, providing a cost-effective and efficient way to get around. Many destinations offer tourist passes, allowing visitors to use public transportation without the need for purchasing individual tickets for each ride.

For those looking for a more adventurous experience, horseback or camel riding tours offer an exciting way to explore the countryside or desert landscapes. Guided tours provide travelers with an opportunity to witness scenic areas in a unique and unforgettable way.

For travelers seeking a luxurious transportation option, private car services or chauffeur-driven limousines can provide a comfortable and convenient means of getting around. These services are especially useful for groups or those traveling with heavy luggage, ensuring a stress-free and seamless journey.

There are many alternative modes of transportation available for travelers beyond trains and mopeds. Whether it’s cycling, public transportation, horseback riding, or private car services, travelers can find a mode of transportation that aligns with their preferences and provides an unforgettable travel experience.

Complete List: Modes Of Transportation

Here is a list of modes of transportation, along with descriptions of each:

  1. Walking: The simplest and most environmentally friendly form of transportation, walking is ideal for short distances and exploring local areas on foot.
  2. Biking: Renting a bicycle is a fun, active, and eco-friendly way to explore a new city or region, and many destinations offer bike-sharing programs or rental shops.
  3. Cars: Cars offer the flexibility to travel at your own pace and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. However, they can be expensive, contribute to traffic congestion and air pollution, and parking can be a challenge in urban areas.
  4. Motorcycles: Motorcycles are a popular option for those seeking a more adventurous and exciting mode of transportation. They are ideal for exploring scenic routes and remote areas, but can be dangerous and require proper training and safety gear.
  5. Buses: Buses are a cost-effective and efficient mode of transportation, offering a way to travel between cities and within urban areas. However, they can be subject to traffic and delays, and may not offer the same level of comfort and convenience as other modes of transportation.
  6. Trams: Trams, also known as streetcars or trolleys, are a popular mode of transportation in some cities, providing a scenic and historic way to get around.
  7. Subways/metros: Subways or metros are rapid transit systems that provide fast and efficient transportation in dense urban areas. They can be crowded and subject to delays during peak hours, but offer a convenient and cost-effective way to travel.
  8. Taxis: Taxis are a popular option for those seeking a convenient and flexible mode of transportation. However, they can be expensive, especially in tourist areas, and may not offer the same level of safety and reliability as other modes of transportation.
  9. Ride-sharing services (e.g. Uber, Lyft): Ride-sharing services offer a convenient and affordable alternative to taxis, allowing travelers to quickly and easily request a ride via smartphone apps. However, they may not be available in all areas and can be subject to surge pricing during peak hours.
  10. Ferries: Ferries provide a scenic and enjoyable way to travel between islands or across bodies of water. They can be subject to weather conditions and may not be available year-round.
  11. Boats: Boats offer a unique and adventurous way to explore waterways and coastal areas. They can be expensive and require proper safety precautions, but offer a memorable and unforgettable travel experience.
  12. Cruise ships: Cruise ships offer a luxurious and all-inclusive way to travel, providing travelers with access to a range of amenities and activities. However, they can be expensive and contribute to environmental pollution.
  13. Airplanes: Airplanes provide a fast and efficient way to travel long distances, making it possible to explore destinations around the world. They can be subject to delays and long security lines, but offer a convenient and comfortable way to travel.
  14. Helicopters: Helicopters offer a unique and thrilling way to see scenic areas from above. They can be expensive and require proper safety precautions, but offer a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience.
  15. Hot air balloons: Hot air balloons offer a peaceful and scenic way to explore landscapes from above. They can be expensive and require favorable weather conditions, but offer a unique and unforgettable travel experience.
  16. Cable cars: Cable cars provide a scenic way to travel up steep mountains or across valleys. They can be subject to weather conditions and may not be available year-round.
  17. Funiculars: Funiculars are a type of cable car that travels up steep hills or mountains at a steep angle. They offer a unique and thrilling way to travel, but can be subject to weather conditions and may not be available year
  18. Horse-drawn carriages: Horse-drawn carriages offer a romantic and historic way to explore some cities and towns. They can be expensive and may not be available year-round.
  19. Camels: In some parts of the world, camels are a traditional and unique mode of transportation, providing a way to explore deserts and remote areas. However, they require special training and care, and may not be suitable for everyone.
  20. Dogsleds: Dogsleds are a traditional mode of transportation in some cold and snowy regions, providing a way to explore winter landscapes and wilderness areas. They require proper training and safety precautions, and may not be available year-round.
  21. Ski lifts: Ski lifts provide a convenient and efficient way to travel up mountains and ski slopes. They are often included with ski resort passes, but can be expensive for individual tickets.
  22. Skateboards: Skateboards are a fun and eco-friendly mode of transportation for short distances and urban areas. However, they require proper safety gear and may not be suitable for everyone.
  23. Rollerblades: Rollerblades provide a fun and active way to explore urban areas and parks. They require proper safety gear and may not be suitable for everyone.
  24. Segways: Segways are a unique and fun way to explore cities and attractions. They require proper training and safety gear, and may not be available in all areas.
  25. Electric scooters: Electric scooters are a popular and eco-friendly way to explore cities and urban areas. They can be rented from various companies and require proper safety precautions.

Overall, there are many modes of transportation available to travelers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right mode of transportation for your needs can enhance your travel experience and allow you to explore new destinations in the most efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable way possible.

What Is Your Favorite Mode Of Transportation?

As we have seen, there are a variety of modes of transportation available to travelers, from the classic options like trains and planes to more unique modes like hot air balloons and camels. Each mode of transportation has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on the destination, budget, and personal preferences of the traveler.

I’m interested in hearing from you. What is your favorite way to get around when traveling? Do you prefer the speed and convenience of flying, the flexibility and adventure of driving, or the local charm of a tuk-tuk or horse-drawn carriage? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. says: Jenny

    I agree. Train is far and away the best mode of travel. You can comfortably sit, stand, eat, pee, sleep. My other favorite mode is on foot- though it takes more planning and is appropriate for shorter distances.

  2. I absolutely love train travel as well. But I have to say that my all-time favorite is hitchhiking. Sure you may end up stuck in a cramped car with a very creepy person, but I’ve met some truly wonderful people this way. And I’ve actually never been on a moped before. I will definitely have to try that sometime soon!

  3. says: Omri

    Great post and movie! really kick me back to my train journeys in India… There is nothing like the Indian trains. Some of my best travel experiences are from the trains. I love the fact that the train cabin become a microcosms of India with the smells, sounds, the shouting of the Chai wallas and the oily snacks, animals getting on and the train and off it… but the best thing is the Indians you meet there, I saw it all – Philosophical conversations, transgenders dancing in the cabin, children acrobatic performances, Indian food feasts with a family of 10 and so much more.. Its worth to go to India only for some god 20 hours or so train journey.

    Omri Shamir

  4. says: nelnel @ things to do in warsaw

    Trains are a very convenient way to travel. It is also less expensive than travelling by plane.

  5. says: Yeity

    All fun and games until the moped comes screening off the road and you gracefully shit yourself than have to stitch up your own knee cause you can’t trust the third world medic who’s cleaning the needle with a flame…. true story.

    1. says: Samuel

      Yikes, I’ve heard this story too many times. It is a bit risky being on one. It’s not so much you, as the driver, but others on the road that drive like maniacs.

  6. says: John

    I have to agree with you regarding trains. I also love riding bikes through cities. Whenever I am riding through a city, I am right in the action of it all, and I almost feel like a local.

  7. says: Budget Travel Blog

    I agree entirely Samuel! I love overland travel, and would much rather spend time on a train or Moped and see my surroundings than fly over it all the time.

    Like Victoria said in one of the other comments: travel for me is about the journey as much as the destination!


  8. says: Becci

    I agree, but I love buses! I love being able to chat to the driver at every ciggie break and the mysterious goods you can buy out of the window whenever the bus approaches a town!

  9. Ditto! By far, my two resounding favourite modes of transportation are the train and the moped. I’ve done some pretty crazy train stunts (including the inaugural Ultimate Train Challenge in 2011).
    And scooters/mopeds: love ’em. I used to ride motorcycles in one of my “former lives” (pre-travel), and until recently – I owned a scooter in Grenada.

    Ironically a month ago, however, I was hit head-on by a car while riding the scooter, and my life changed. So to anybody looking at renting or buying a two-wheeled beast: enjoy….and be careful! 🙂

  10. says: Chris

    man mopeds scare the shit out of me – hated the one day I did in Thailand on them!

    Personally I like boats, slow boats, long tails or ferries. Nothing better than relaxing on deck in the sun whilst travelling through the jungle or to a tropical island 🙂

  11. Yes, I totally agree – I love the journey just as much as the destination. People often think about the time it takes to get somewhere as a deterrence, but I think of it as part of the fun of travel! I think my 2 favorite forms of transportation are definitely train and the second is harder to choose, but I’d say tuk tuk!

  12. says: Londoner Kate

    I’ve seen you post that train clip before but never watched it. Wow dude, it’s amazing! I was transfixed. Gives you a real insight into life in India. I hope to get around on a moped when I travel, but Im definitely learning in England first before I take to the crazy roads of Asia!

  13. Hey Sam,
    Couldn’t agree more with your 2 choices of getting around! Train journeys are so comfortable. I love being able to walk around and stretch out my legs while meeting local people, it’s fantastic. Moped gives you so much freedom to go wherever, whenever, we always rent scooters/motorbikes and always love it!

    Check out the many modes of transportation we’ve taken over the years…the good, the bad, and the very uncomfortable!


  14. says: Kenin Bassart

    You’re not alone! We love the act of traveling as much as the destination. Heck, sometimes the trip is actually BETTER than the destination. While we do love a good train ride, for us, the ultimate mode of transport is the car.

      1. says: Kenin Bassart

        Funny enough, we have only been on very short train rides. The US is terrible when it domes to passenger rail. I’ll make a deal wi you. If you are ever in my neck of the woods I’ll take you in all the driving trips you want, and if I’m ever near you we can take a train trip somewhere 🙂